Topamax Weirdness (Top voted first)


Since October 2013 I took Topamax because I have severe nightmares due to childhood trauma. My psychiatrist upped the dose to 200 mg in the morning and 200 mg in the evening. Now I have hair loss but since the last time she upped the dose I feel really weird. It is like my thoughts live their own life. Sometimes I think this is how it must feel like when you are close to a psychosis. I know that what I am thinking is weird (no, no suicidal thoughts) but I can't stop it. Can't even give an example. There is a lot of chaos in my head and not about my childhood. I have been in therapy for that. This is very weird and I am sort of tired of it. My family and friends notice it too. Here in The Netherlands the doctors are kind of: "It will pass like" with side effects. But I am not so sure about that. We don't have groups and forums like this. When I started to take Topamax my psychiatrist said: "Don't read all the side effects otherwise you will never use it. Trust me it is okay." I hadn't been sleeping normal for decades so yes I was willing to take anything. But with the extremely thinning hair and the weird chaotic thoughts I am reaching out to you. Does anyone recognize this? Can anyone help me out or am I really going insane now?

2 Replies

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Hi I am on 200mg of Topamax twice daily since 2009 because of severe hemiplegic migraines. I also had seizures. Although the seizures are controlled and the migraines not as severe I too live in a strange world. My family feel it is hard to get through to me and my thoughts are very jumbled. Sounds, smells and touch are all very intense. This may be part of my headache auras or maybe its these tablets. I cannot tell. Lots of people on here who don't have my condition who seem pretty sane to me, seem to have a lot of the same experiences. Problem is what is worse? My seizures and being almost bed bound or being away with the fairies!!! I think that you are probably ok and I would say if these tablets are making you feel bad then they are not right for you. If you were not like this before taking them then it must surely be side effects. Minor side effects should be gone by now. Could you not return to your doctor and don't mention forums but show your hair and say how feel and ask whether there is anything else you can try. Good Luck.

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Hi, I too am on Top a max but I am on 800 mg 400 mg twice daily. I have epilepsy and I am glad I know now I'm not the only one dealing with the freaky side effects . I have dealt with them for a while. I have to take another medication for seizures too and I had to keep telling my doctors that it wasn't in my head and the side effects were not going away. Remember that they are there to help you. Take care.

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