Took Plan B, Missed My Period. (Top voted first)


I had recently taken plan b, I took it within 16hrs. My period was supposed to come roughly two weeks after I had taken it. All that had happened though was a little light brown discharge. It has now been two weeks since my missed period. I have taken 4 tests, 2 showed negative and the other two were unclear. Since the day I missed my period my stress levels have been sky high, seeing IM assuming I'm pregnant. This is also the third time in 6 months I have taken plan b. I am wondering if a combination of stress and over use of plan b could cause this. Is it possible that the light. brown discharge was my actual period?

Thank you in advance

3 Replies

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Plan B is a hormonal tablet that is used to help prevent a possibly fertilized egg from implanting, thus, spotting, headache, dizziness and PMS-like symptoms can be normal side effects of it, according to the FDA.

I have used it myself and always experienced spotting for a few days from taking it.

It is also normal for it to throw your cycle off, since it is a hormonal medication.

However, given the ambiguity of the checking you've done, it may be best to see your doctor and let them do an actual lab check.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hey. Do you have an update? Did you get your period yet??

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On 10/17 my boyfriend and I had unprotected intercourse. l took Plan B about 13 hours later. On 10/19 we had sex again and the condom broke. l panicked and took Plan B again about 24 hours after because l didn’t want to take them too close together. Later l found out that my ovulation date was 10/18. Ten days later l got some spotting and it lasted 8 days. l had extremely tender breasts so at first l thought it was implantation bleeding. It was nothing like my period. My period was due 11/4 so I’m 6 days late. l took a pregnancy test and it was negative. My question is, should l still be expecting a period? Was that strange 8 day spotting my period? I’m not sure what’s going on.

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