Told I Can Only Get Meds If I Get Inj's. From Pain Mgmt In Pa...
UpdatedI posted this in another forum and thought to post it here. I'm so frustrated and depressed over this!
I just recently found out that I have some seriously herniated disks in my neck that push pretty hard into my spinal cord plus I have a tumor. Long story short I'm right now not a candidate for surgery though I'm going for a second opinion. I'm OK with that because I'm not someone who jumps for surgery right away.
Anyway, my orthopedic doctor pointed me to a pain management doctor who I called to schedule. The first thing they responded with is "for an inj." huh? I said no I'm looking to down the road to fill my medication. She then says, "no this doctor only does inj's.". I call the ortho doc back and he recommends me to another pain management doctor in the area. I call and she says, "for what type of inj." huh? I again said no I'm looking for down the road to fill my medication. She then responded that this doctor only does inj's. I questioned her a bit and said I have zero need or desire to be inj'ed. with anything. She then slipped up and said "well to get your meds you have to go through inj's.".
I called my ortho doc back and said "do you know the 2 docs you referred me to only do inj's. and the one said I could only qualify to get my meds if I got inj's." His assistant responds, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to do" yes I understand that but actually I'm being manipulated to getting something I don't want or need just to get the one thing that I DO need and that's my medication. At the end she remarked about meds being abused... government changes... blah blah blah. I told her look I take maybe 2 if really bad 4 percs in a week and only when I'm in tears from the pain. No addiction issues here. After some back and forth I got nowhere and she basically told me to open up the yellow pages and find a doc who fills meds. Really? Gosh thanks.
I cried for about 2 hours when I got home from work just completely exhausted with what I had to go through just to get a doctor who I can go to when I need my medication filled. I probably have enough meds to take me several months thank God but what do I do when I run out. I had a panic attack last night just thinking about it.
My boyfriend who has a shoulder issue goes to this pain management place that at least gives the pills but it's like your lowest point in life to go there. I mean they make him pee in front of someone! How intrusive is that. I mean how low in life have I gotten that I will end up in a place like that... and here I am thinking I too will be peeing in front of people. My boyfriend dreads the visit to this clinic and I've went with him a number of times. It's so depressing to think about.
What really pisses me off is that because there are people out there abusing these drugs and those people in real chronic pain have to suffer. They are manipulating people into doing things that I don't want to do just to get relief (get this inj. and we'll give you your meds... what am I a science project?!) . When did this choice come out of the patients hands of how they manage through pain? I'm just tired angry and frustrated about this entire thing Sad
How do you all deal with this? Do you have doc saying the only way you get your meds is if you get inj's.? My gosh what is this world coming to!
2 Replies
Hello, Sadie! How are you?
Actually, those ladies on the phone were most likely testing to screen out possible drug seekers. Anyone that refuses other possible treatment options, without really knowing what they are, or what the injections may do, is automatically thought to be a drug seeker and they'll tell you whatever they can to try to turn you away and keep you from making an appointment.
The thought process is that someone in legitimate pain would be willing to try anything to see if it helps, so narcotics are only prescribed as a last resort, if nothing else works for them.
There are plenty of pain management doctors that still prescribe medications, but you have to be willing to explore other treatment options, first.
The FDA classifies Percocet as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
No doctor is just going to tell you to come in and they'll write your prescriptions.You'll have to establish a relationship with a doctor and let them try to help you with various treatment options.
Does anyone els have any advice to add?
I understand this is frustrating and many people have been dealing with such issues, but yes, this is how it works, now. I'm sorry.
Apologize my Candor but there are worst places to be in life than at a legit pain clinic. To this Observer it appears that you protest to much
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