Tinnitus - Ringing In Ears


Please can somebody tell me if this blood thinner can cause tinnitus? A few doctors i've spoke to say it shouldn't but it's only been while i've been on this medication? Almost 3 months now. Hope someone can help x

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I am also experiencing constant ringing in my right ear since starting Xarelto six weeks ago for a PE. The nurse practitioners at the hospital clinic I am going to are downplaying the significance of this apparent side effect.
But it is real, and only started once I began the medication.
The sooner I get off this stuff, the better. Can't wait.

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Hello, Sarah and Steve! How are you both? I'm very sorry about the problem you're both having.

No, tinnitus is not listed as possible side effect by the FDA. However, this medication does risk causing cranial and cerebral bleeding, which could cause such a problem, mainly if you're bleeding into the ear drum.

Have either of you consulted an ENT to have this checked out?

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Yes blood thinners will do that. What your are hearing is your blood rushing through your ears.

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