Thyroid Treatment
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I have been taken thyroid meds. For about 4/5 yrs now if not longer. Well I stopped taking them another 3 months ago, I ran out and just never got any more. My question is can you have bad itching on your arms from stop taking the meds. I have tried everything and nothing really helps .please help me ??

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Hi thank you for taking your time and answering me. I must say ,it was not long after I stopped taking them that the itching started .it has been going on for so long now I really don't know what to do. It is just horrible. I stopped taking them do to the fact of not have the money to go pay to see a doctor and pay for the meds, Im not making very good money where I'm working. Hopefully 2017 will be a better year , I'm praying it , lol. . Thank you again and if you have any more questions or comments please feel free comment me anytime ,thank you and have a great day

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After 3 months, it likely isn't due to the medications, but it could be due to your thyroid disorder. Thyroid issues have been known to cause such itching, according to the NIH. You may also experience weight changes and mood changes.

Why did you stop taking it? Are you on any other medications?

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