Thyroid Medication By Name
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Client states he is taking a thyroid med called "lexovaxl." Unable to locate any such med. Anyone know what he might be talking about.
2 Replies
Levoxyl is a thyroid medication that is no longer made. I was on it for years. The maker stopped making this drug.. I wrote the company along with many others asking them to not discontinue this drug. It worked very well for me. It took a while to find something that worked for me. name brand synthyroid is the only thing that has kept me in check.
Hi Wally,
You may be thinking of the name Levothyroxine?
This medicine is a hormone replacement usually given to patients with thyroid problems, specifically, hypothyroidism.
For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below...
If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.
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