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Hello guys. A new lamb for the slaughter here. Just pasted into my forties and have been considering using the Androgel. For good reasons and not just due to my doctors brainwashing. I am so out of the mass media loop that I had no idea low testosterone was a growing problem in men (it's not) or that the corporations have been jambing their cure (it's not for most) down our throats, no pun intended but funny anyway. My advice is get some good rest and excersice, eat a vastly improved diet, even you veggie heads. Almost everyone in our modern society, especially in america, has a really bad diet. 9.7 men especially are actually damaging their biosystem with their diets. The body is stressing out attempting to extract the nutrients it needs from an excess of matter. More energy is expelled to digest and process the food than is returned and even though every cell in our bodies has the ability to regenerate or be replaced, it's like scre tissue when you keep bashing the same spot. Ever wonder how a martial artist can break a baseball bat with their shine bone? They have built up bone mass and killed the nerve endings by repeated intentional damage. Same thing. now after all that and a large dose of positive attitude, I recommend going the natural herbal rout before something like Androgel. At least you will have done everything you can naturally before the drastic measure of slurpping this crap into your self. Plus you will be healthy even with low levels of tetosterone, or at least healthier. Then if you feel the need, use the Androgel.
Another note to this forum, I have seen almost no replys to everyones questions. It has saddend me to read so many men concerned about themselves and opening up but not connecting to their own peers. Forget the numbers and science, now a days it has all been manipulated for profit and not yours. The best information you will get is from real world trials and I am hasitant to let you know but you are the trial. So be careful and go slow. Cycle in a months test and do your complete blood work. Also think with your heart and leave the brain out of this since most of us will be hampered in our thoughts by the ego.
Thank you for your attention and I hope you all do well.

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