Therafectin Forums

Recently active Therafectin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Therafectin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I was in double blind study,it worked for ra where can I get some to take ## Im sorry, but Therafectin was rejected by the FDA for approval. The general reason given was that the company had failed to prove its safety and efficacy from the testing it had already undergone and they wouldn't approve it without further testing. At this time, I really doubt it will ever be approved and make it to market, because the FDA has been reviewing the data and giving the same answer since 1994. What else have you tried to treat your RA? ## I was on embrel and now I am told my ra is in remission ,I was told I have gout in all my joints and I feel as sore ,all joints as I did with ra

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