Theophylline Discontinued (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I have been told that theophylline er is being discontinued. Is this true? I have taken it for years for asthma.

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Yes, there are two manufacturers of it. One was really inexpensive, which they carried at some Costco Pharmacies. Some of the other Costco Pharmacies carry the other, and it's a lot more! I was hoarding the less expensive version, but was getting ready to bite the bullet and pay for the more expensive, but now that I've learned there is a pet pharma that carries it now in extended release, I'm going to go that route. Eventually the more expensive one will run out also, as neither manufacturer is making it anymore. Sad sad sad.

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My shih tzu has been on theophylline 100mg tablets (1/2 tab 2x daily) for 5 yrs for her chronic bronchitis and collapsing trachea. So when it was no longer available I had it compounded into a 50mg capsule. After a few weeks of taking it she started having seizures. My vet ruled out everything possible and I was getting ready to have her brain scanned for a tumor. I started reading about theophylline and came to realize that it must be released slowly into the system, which the tablets did because they are hard and metabolize slowly but the compounded capsules that I was giving her do not release slowly. That is why the directions on the tablets say do not crush. So I stopped the capsules and she had no more seizures. They told me at the compounding pharmacy that they can add something to the capsules to make them slow release but they must be prescribed that way and my vet did not know that. The compound was expensive though, $67 per month. So I found that I can mail-order the 100mg tablets from a pharmacy in Canada called The Canadian Pharmacy for $47 for a 3 month supply. This is totally legitimate. My vet was ok with that and wrote me a prescription to mail to Canada. So Canada is an option for pets and humans.

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With a USA prescription I get mine from Canada = I use the 300 mg Generic Theophylline/Theodur - 200 tablets for $75 plus $10 shipping. They arrive pretty fast. I have been filling 2 of my prescriptions in Canada - for years. Their companies were created due to high American prices. You get awesome service from our neighbors! You can use the Canada Pharmacy Checker to find the right company for you.

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Yes, I also started Trixie on the flovent inhaler when I could no longer get Theophylline a few months ago. It was costing $240 per inhaler/1mo. supply at Walgreen's. So I order that from The Canadian Pharmacy too for about $40. The spacer canister I use is called Aerodawg. It took quite a lot of practice to get her used to the rubber cup on her mouth and nose before I actually started using the inhaler with it. But she doesn't fight it now. I've been using 2 puffs only at night to help her sleep better and 1/2 of a 100mg theophylline tablet in the morning and that seems to be working for her (for now anyway). I must say I am very impressed with The Canadian Pharmacy. If you call them they are very helpful and will walk you through how to order for the first time, then you can just do your re-ordering on their website. The only downside is that they only accept American Express so I've been having to mail them a check which takes 7-10 days for them to receive and then 7-10 days to mail me the order. But after you have ordered a couple of times, which establishes your reliability with them, they will send your order when you place it and wait for your check. I always add the $10 Express charge and get it in 3-5 days.

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What type of inhaler is it called that you got at Costco? Thanks!

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I have oxygen here at home, and have thought about giving a little to my doggy. I'd love an extended little mask so I could give her a few puffs now and again. So yes, I'd love to know what you get from Costco. Thanks!

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I was 100% fine on 200mg pills 3 times a day then they took it off and I havee been breaking 400's in half I suggenly got all speedy and lost 20 pounds I cant put back on,I so wish I could get back on the 200s

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I have purchased the inhaler at the pharmacy at Costco (still using it) but stopped by Sam's Club today to check prices. The Ventolin HFA inhaler with 120+ puffs is $62.48 and the version with half that amount is $24.81. Pharmacist told me it's perfect for dogs and cats, and if you have a Plus Membership at Sam's, they will drop the price another $4. I purchased a inhaler 'spacer' on Amazon for $10, and it makes it very easy to administer the inhaler to my small dog. The 'puff' goes into the clear plastic chamber and there is a small mask at the end. She breathes into the mask and she is good for 12-14 hours. Cheaper and easier to use than the pill, and best part, she doesn't have to find the pill in the piece of cheese to spit it out! My min-pin is nearly 15 and has been taking Theophylline for 5 years, 4x/day so this is a good alternative for me (and her)!

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They discontinued the 200 ER tablets for 400s since then I have been having horrible problems balancing cutting the 400s in half ,CVS carries a 200 mg capsule but it's like pure speed kept me up for 3 days

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I get 400's from rite aid and have no problem using a pill cutter to cut them in half.

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It's been a long time since I have received any updates on this issue. Has everyone given up on getting this medicine? I know I have Has anyone found anything that works as well to use? For me - I've gone "cold turkey" so to speak. No meds for my asthma - just watching my environment and trying to avoid any triggers. Is it working? Well, I've not suffered an "asthma attack" but I've noticed I don't feel as well or had as much energy before I ran out of theophylline. Let us know how each of you are doing. And PLEASE, if you find a source for theophylline or a new med that works as well, let the rest of us know. Thank you and God bless us all.

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I have had no issues with getting my theophylline which is 450 mg extended release from CVS/Caremark mail order pharmacy. It may be worth it to try the retail CVS if your insurance is excepted there.

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I just was prescribed an Rx for Theophylline for my dog. She takes 75 mg twice per day. It's from a compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles called Valley Drug and Compounding. It's $75.00 for 120 tablets (two months worth) AND it's extended release which is necessary for the desired effect. So if you can't find it, ask your doctor to perhaps try this pharmacy. I'm SO relieved that I'll never have to worry about getting this med for my dog as she has Westie Lung Disease and this med keeps her in pretty good shape.

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My doctor prescribed theophylline after I was complaining of too much mucus and shortness of breath, but I'm still wheezing in the morning. Can theophylline help? If so, is it still available?

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Re: Velly (# 240) Expand Referenced Message

I have used this medication for many, many years and it's one of few that helps me. 400 mg and 600 mg tabs have been easy to get. I cut the 600 in half and take half in the morning and half at night.

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Re: katelon (# 241) Expand Referenced Message

Are you still able to get the theophylline? If so, I am interested in where you found it? I have been off for about 9 months and beginning to have daily attacks. Nothing else has proven to help me.

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Re: Sidney (# 242) Expand Referenced Message

So if you can't find it, ask your doctor to perhaps try this pharmacy: Valley Drug & Compounding. 16928 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 91316. Phone: (818) 788-0635 They will ship the Rx to your home. Hope that helps.

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Yes especially HRC, not Bernie Sanders. I am detailed

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It has indeed been discontinued and no longer manufacturing it. I've called every pharmacy in my area and was told the same thing. I called pulmonologist for a visit to seek alternatives. The nurse told me that they are using TheoCon in its place. I have been out of it for about 5 days and starting to feel the negative effects. Hoping I can make it another week till my appointment without ending up in the E.R.

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Just 100 mg were discontinued so don't worry, you can still get theophylline.

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