The New Oxycontin With The Imprint Op Compared To The Old Oxycontin With The Old Imprint Oc (Page 4)
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I got my Oxycontin (name brand) today and thought i had gotten the generic because it had OP imprinted on it instead of th regular OC imprinted on it. I ask my phamacist what was going on and he said that Oxycontin had changed their logo. I noticed the pill was slighly bigger so when i took my pill i noticed it give me heartburn really bad just like the generic did when i tried the generic. Now i am in pain, i have the heartburn, and i don't know if i will be able to hold this new formular down because i am so sick at my stomach. Do you think Purdue will ever change the formula of Oxycontin back to the original? I sure hope so. I am going to start a petition to get the old formula back again. Anyone interested in singing it please let me know. Loretta Sloan 630 Bird Road Magnolia, KY 42757.

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To the last poster - we are not sure if this community is actively visited by individuals working for the FDA and/or Purdue ... but what we can say is that this site is owned and operated independent of those organizations. Hope this helps to clear some things up...

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Hey look at the layout of these sites that comeback when keywords OC and OP are used. They are nearly replicas. I thing FDA and PERDUE is monitoring them to judge reactions. By lay they should have changed the name of the drug. There is a 3 phase process. You can just go change a drug and give it to the people and cross your fingers.

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Perdue made major changes to a drug that myself and others have taken since 1998 or longer. The origonal formula helped many of us chronic pain sufferers.

Without any warning via the nurse, doctor, pharmacist a Drug called Oxycontin went through major changes and thousands if not millions of prescriptions were given to long time users. The new formulation has made everyone sick in one fashion or the other. The only difference is one side of the pill had the initials OC and after 12 years changed to OP as far as I know the other side remained the same, I did not notice this. It was only after I started getting very ill with stomach cramps, diarhrea head achs and all sorts of strange feelings ranging from wanting to commit suicide to sleeping all day and staying up all night.

At the very least Perdue shoud had sent a letter of change to each pharmacy and or doctor to be posted is an obvious location for x months that wanrned people that took the drug that Oxycontin was being pulled from the market and that Perdue sought and got approval from the FDA to introduce this drug into the public.

Give me a break. I laugh at how impossible Perdue or any drug manufacture could do a major reconstruction of the drug then "slip"it into the publics drink (If you get my analagy) and get away with it.

NO NO NO. Like any drug they should have given the new OP drug a different name, went through the usual 3 pases required to obtain drug approval from the FDA Yet Perdue complately ignored the FDA and or the FDA was in with Perdue to make said changes.

Maybe the People should VS Perdue and the FDA for allowing this major change to the drug without doing appropriate clinical trials.

I would like to know how many people took more of the pills than usual to control their pain and ended up dieing of an overdose because the drug was released from the pill at an unexpected time, say in the middle of the night and certain people have overdosed.

There is a certain obligation that the drug manufactures and the FDA must follow to protect the general public.

I feel (although the intent may have been in the best interest for the abuse factor) that No company has the right to play with human lifes without first giving them some warning that their medication has been completely changed and an explaination of what was done and so forth.

Even that scenario might not hold up in a court of law.

I plea for the attorneys to start posting 1-800-bad-drug style commercials for there are a ton of us people that are ready to sue.

You simply can not do this behind the publics back without some warning.

This reminds me when of when our government injected 12 black men with syphlis drug and allowed them to die knowing that they had injected them with something other than what they had expected.

What drug will be next.

Perdue has nearly lost all of it Medicare payors in Florida. Florida has about 62 Part D drug providers and if you go to and enter the drug oxycontin you will see few if any companies cover the drug.

Perdue got greedy and recently forced 6 or more other companies that were making generic Oxycodone CR or ER Once a patenet is 15 years old thats it.

Now that Perdue has changed their formula it shouldnt be long until the six companies that were making a cheaper generic resume manufacture of the origonal patenet that now about 18 years old. Perdue can no longer claim no one can copy their OC patenet.

It will be interested to see if others manufactures take over. Perdues GREED with the price has knocked them off almost every list of formulary covered drugs.

Maybe none payed attention but after the generics were being made for $6 retail (80 mg) that Much more Medicare and other insurance companies started covering the 6 non perdue generic drugs.

Perdue with their GREEDY billions got the 6 drug manufactures closed down somehow. I'll never know why unlless someone in the FDA is taking some big kickbacks.

The Oxycodone war has got to be the most outragious war on drugs between drug manufacturesin history.

I Emplore the 6 generic drug manufactures to reintroduce your generic Oxycodone ER and CD (Sameas the Oxycontin OC) with some mild differences.

TEVA did the best. They produced a generic that could not be abused at all. Why would the FDA and Perdue shut down TEVA and keep production of a pill that could be abused on the market???? Figure that one out.

I have no idea of the backdoor politics that went on between Perdue, the FDA and the other 6 generic drug manufactures but eventually this will all come out in the wash.

I don't want to name names but 3 head executives of Perdue have already been hit with Federal drug fines in the millions, some spent time in Prision and we wonder how this could happen to Oxycontin? People I ask you to look sho we are dealing with.

They are nothing but drug lords. What some of you are yet to realize is how important the statement is in the inserts that state tollerance may develope.

What they dont tell you is that when you hit that tollerance mark and it could easily take 20to 30 years that the drug simply and slowly stops working. You think its in your head but as time passes you notice that you must take more and more to obtain the same pain reduction. Before you know it you can no longer control the pain all you know is that you must take the meds everyday just to feel half way normal.

Sure Oxycontin was a God Send in many cases where people only have a few years to live due to cancer but now that I myself have hit this platue or maximum absorbson dose all I can tell you is I never thought I would be facing such a devil in all my life.

Then again a lot of what I am going through might be related to the new formula but I think I hit the max about a year ago. All I can say for sure is this new formulation has sure made gettting use to this NEW DRUG pure hell.

I pray my body will get used to it but I think this drug is going to have to be placed in a class of its own.

In other words, allow reintroduction of the origonal OC drug but teach doctors hw to dispense the drug and make new guidelines on hoiw the drug should be given.

The strange this is Perdue used to mae this drug in the 160 mg form.

When I first started taking Oxycontin in 1998 I took 2 pills in the am and 2 pills in the pm.

Now the average person would assume that 4 pills a day 2 12 hours apart wouldnt be considered a massive dose.

Hell Perdue had me hooked way before they were forced or agreed to take the 160mg off the market.

If the FDA is smart they will force Perdue to place a detox treatment center in every major city and keeps said clinics going unti most people have been haumainly detoxed from this drug so we can find some other drug thats not so addictive to help control our pain.

I feel you would have a 6 to 12 month wiating list at every clinic.

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I have had 4 surgeries and all the nerves in my lower back has been crushed, the only paine med that helps me was oxcy 60, now that they have changed it, it cost more and dose less and cause other problems, such s, headache, heartburn, nausea and very little relief, WHAT do we do now................

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i would like to know if others have trouble moving around at least 2hours after taking new oxy i've been on oxy the past 17years now i have no releif with newones please whatelse works

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The new oxycontin is making me so sick. I did not realize it at first. I have been getting horrible heartburn and acid reflux also my head has been aching . I thought it may have been something else until I looked it up. I have seen that it is commin with the new formula. Please chenge it back or at least do something.

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I have been taking oc20 brand for about 2 years cuz I can't tolerate Asa. For about a month I received these new op20 they simply don't work and my stomach bile doesn't digest them leaving them to raw sewage. I also have headaches and heartburn I never experienced before. My question why should many good people suffer at the hands of illegal pirating drug addicts. They will just kill themselves with other methods. We need action now or I will switch to kadian opana or avinsa to find relief but op20 are by far less more effective. Thank u for reading. Signed a very concerned patient.

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All you need is a Pedi-paw and grind them up (powders up better than the old OC's!) and snort!!!!
I tried the microwave/freezer method and it seems like such a waste of time and energy! Thank God for Pedi Paw!!!!

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I take oxycontin 80 mg 6 tabs twice daily for pancreatic cancer. Never really paid attention to what the pills looked like, just that they were blue. Then about a month ago I noticed heartburn,which i had never had but chalked it up to a new symptom. Then came the massive increase in having to take my breakthrough meds. Finally, I have noticed whole 80mg pills in my stool periodically. How DARE they mess with peoples pain meds without so much as an announcement of some kind! I asked my hospice nurse why some pills would be passing without being digested, she seemed genuinely puzzled so I think these pharma creeps and their political pets want it kept on the down low, no boats rockin! Tell everyone you know about this...its no better than those pharmacists who were passing off diluted to uselessness meds for cancer patients a few yrs back .....what do they care, its not their pain, RIGHT? Im so furious I cant see straight....oh wait, maybe its just the plastic building up in my system. May those responsible for denying FULL pain relief to others suffer for it themselves when their time comes.

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my brother was hurt in vietnam and in severe pain until the came out with oxycontin. I see him on a daily basis and since the have come out with the new oc he has gone downhill pain,heartburn,vomiting etc... He went and fought for us and now he has to suffer because Purdue seems to think they are going to stop drug abuse by changing oxycontin into a non benificial pain killer. Please give the non addicts their pain relief back.

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I am a disabled Veteran with severe back, neck, knee, and liver problems. I have noticed a difference also. This has acetemenophen in it and I was told no but yet has been verified by other people as a yes. I can only take so much Tylenol due to my liver. I have had severe headaches and been sick and in more pain since taking this new medication. I too am angry that they have messed with one of the best pain meds to keep the few abusers that will surely figure out a way to do what they need to with this medicine too, from the real Oxycotin. Bring it back Purdue. This new formula sucks and is not helping those of us who truly need it. Please do not make us beg... We are chronic pain people who use this legitimatley and need this medication to get up and moving. Help us, those who really need you.

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I have been using low dosage(10 mg) 3 x day for 7 years to buffer chronic pain from severe scholiosis and the arthritis that has set in every joint in my body because of the trauma and abuse my joints have sustained over 65 years. I am vigilant not to exceed this dosage. On a good day with low activity, I can get away with 2 pills. But, I am very active and love life. Oxycontins old formulation gave me a fairly good quality of life. My doctor monitors me closely and I have yearly blood tests. I am not an addict nor do I abuse this med. The druggest filled my prescription with the new oxycontin plastic pill last month. Horrible. They did not buffer my pain and I had a miserable month of sleeping and felt sick all month. I was forced to use some otc meds to control the pain and that is too dangerous for my kidneys and liver. I refused to refill my prescription this month when I found out that this is the new pill and I cannot get anything else, not even a generic. I don't know how I will control my pain. Does anyone have suggestions? I cannot understand how the slick tounged pharma company can get this by the drug administration and gain such a powerful monopoly. How is this payoff being dispursed?

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My first month on the new Oxy and I am sick as a dog...terrible heartburn and very speedy-little pain relief. Was afraid o say anything until I saw these comments. Something MUST be done. I've been taking oxy since 1998 and have never felt like this! Every doctor needs to know about this...and it is NO joke1

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I have had cronic back and neck pain for 12 yrs. now and endured two spinal fusions. I have tried almost every pain reliever out there and never got relief until my doctor prescribed me oxycontin. I cant get off my couch (where I have to sleep cause its the only place comfortable enough for me) in the morning without taking my medicine first. Now they have changed the ONLY medication that helps me deal with living my life in so much pain and gives me the most relief. This new op oxycontin does not help my pain AT ALL! It makes me sick to my stomach, also gives me heart burn and I get zero relief for the pain!! I totally understand that there is a bad problem with people abusing thier medications and people using oxycontin to smoke, snort and shoot up, but are the people with legitimate pain. Are we suppose to be punished because of these others? Before I found oxycontin I use to think of ways to end my life because I could not bare the horrible pain I had 24 hrs. a day and then it was like a mirracle happen when I first took them. If they dont change them back to the original formula I dont know what I am gonna do. I cant and wont live my life in all this pain. I know im not alone, so how many people have to suffer because of some bad apples in the bunch? There will always be drug addicted people out there in the world and trying to change one medication isnt gonna be the answer. This is gonna create more problems for good people than help the people that abuse them. Please, please, please bring the original brand back!!!

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My husband takes Oxycontin 20mg. when we picked his RX up 9/24/10 he noticed the pill had OP on it instead of OC, he takes two a day. Ever since 9/24/10, he's been taking them and has had really bad heartburn and he's throwing up 4-6 times per day. I don't know how to help him. He had no problem with the old name brand oxys. Help!!!

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i like the old formula. it really helped my pain.ive heard so many stories about the change. and they havent been good. everyone i have talked to says they make them so sick, and dont help the pain. I hope whoever got this passed that they change the pill is happy with their self. im in severe chronic pain. and thats all that has ever made me feel like my normal self again(free from pain) most likely these people that have been against this medication dont hurt like hell when they get out of bed and have to make their medication before they can walk normal and get their self dressed every morning. just because someone in their family wewnt out and bought on the streets and overdosed on it. how is that our fault. the ones that are leagally prescribed this medication!Thanksyou all for doing this to the ones that really need it. how come they still have hydros,oxycodones ect...people have overdosed on those just as much or more than the oxy's....Personaly i really dont like the fact that i have to injest plastic now! and be as sick as a dog after taking these. bring back our old formula. the one that works!!!!!!!!!!!

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neeh chat on exalgo

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i posted a discuusion on 24 hr neds okaid by fda 1 reply verwon and it was suboxone need thread or direcions to that chat i foun fds approval 3.1. 2910 need that form and andwer from verwon i posted the ansers i found

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i agree.. i can't believe their punished the people that really need the changing the medication.. IT DOES NOT WORK.

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