The New Oxycontin With The Imprint Op Compared To The Old Oxycontin With The Old Imprint Oc
UpdatedI got my Oxycontin (name brand) today and thought i had gotten the generic because it had OP imprinted on it instead of th regular OC imprinted on it. I ask my phamacist what was going on and he said that Oxycontin had changed their logo. I noticed the pill was slighly bigger so when i took my pill i noticed it give me heartburn really bad just like the generic did when i tried the generic. Now i am in pain, i have the heartburn, and i don't know if i will be able to hold this new formular down because i am so sick at my stomach. Do you think Purdue will ever change the formula of Oxycontin back to the original? I sure hope so. I am going to start a petition to get the old formula back again. Anyone interested in singing it please let me know. Loretta Sloan 630 Bird Road Magnolia, KY 42757.
The new Oxycontin OP has been specially formulated to help prevent abuse.
However, there have been many complaints about it causing weird side effects or not working.
To get someone to take notice of the problem, you should use the following phone numbers to report such issues:
Purdue Pharma number for drug safety/medication issues:
FDA MedWatch number:
Does anyone have any questions?
sign me up!!!
count me in. 450 calloway circle
lenoir city, tn 37772
i cant beleive that they changed a very ,the best ever pain medication , to something that has made me so sick for an entire month, im asking PLEASE change them back.
i agree.. i can't believe their punished the people that really need the changing the medication.. IT DOES NOT WORK.
i posted a discuusion on 24 hr neds okaid by fda 1 reply verwon and it was suboxone need thread or direcions to that chat i foun fds approval 3.1. 2910 need that form and andwer from verwon i posted the ansers i found
i like the old formula. it really helped my pain.ive heard so many stories about the change. and they havent been good. everyone i have talked to says they make them so sick, and dont help the pain. I hope whoever got this passed that they change the pill is happy with their self. im in severe chronic pain. and thats all that has ever made me feel like my normal self again(free from pain) most likely these people that have been against this medication dont hurt like hell when they get out of bed and have to make their medication before they can walk normal and get their self dressed every morning. just because someone in their family wewnt out and bought on the streets and overdosed on it. how is that our fault. the ones that are leagally prescribed this medication!Thanksyou all for doing this to the ones that really need it. how come they still have hydros,oxycodones ect...people have overdosed on those just as much or more than the oxy's....Personaly i really dont like the fact that i have to injest plastic now! and be as sick as a dog after taking these. bring back our old formula. the one that works!!!!!!!!!!!
My husband takes Oxycontin 20mg. when we picked his RX up 9/24/10 he noticed the pill had OP on it instead of OC, he takes two a day. Ever since 9/24/10, he's been taking them and has had really bad heartburn and he's throwing up 4-6 times per day. I don't know how to help him. He had no problem with the old name brand oxys. Help!!!
I have had cronic back and neck pain for 12 yrs. now and endured two spinal fusions. I have tried almost every pain reliever out there and never got relief until my doctor prescribed me oxycontin. I cant get off my couch (where I have to sleep cause its the only place comfortable enough for me) in the morning without taking my medicine first. Now they have changed the ONLY medication that helps me deal with living my life in so much pain and gives me the most relief. This new op oxycontin does not help my pain AT ALL! It makes me sick to my stomach, also gives me heart burn and I get zero relief for the pain!! I totally understand that there is a bad problem with people abusing thier medications and people using oxycontin to smoke, snort and shoot up, but are the people with legitimate pain. Are we suppose to be punished because of these others? Before I found oxycontin I use to think of ways to end my life because I could not bare the horrible pain I had 24 hrs. a day and then it was like a mirracle happen when I first took them. If they dont change them back to the original formula I dont know what I am gonna do. I cant and wont live my life in all this pain. I know im not alone, so how many people have to suffer because of some bad apples in the bunch? There will always be drug addicted people out there in the world and trying to change one medication isnt gonna be the answer. This is gonna create more problems for good people than help the people that abuse them. Please, please, please bring the original brand back!!!
My first month on the new Oxy and I am sick as a dog...terrible heartburn and very speedy-little pain relief. Was afraid o say anything until I saw these comments. Something MUST be done. I've been taking oxy since 1998 and have never felt like this! Every doctor needs to know about this...and it is NO joke1
I have been using low dosage(10 mg) 3 x day for 7 years to buffer chronic pain from severe scholiosis and the arthritis that has set in every joint in my body because of the trauma and abuse my joints have sustained over 65 years. I am vigilant not to exceed this dosage. On a good day with low activity, I can get away with 2 pills. But, I am very active and love life. Oxycontins old formulation gave me a fairly good quality of life. My doctor monitors me closely and I have yearly blood tests. I am not an addict nor do I abuse this med. The druggest filled my prescription with the new oxycontin plastic pill last month. Horrible. They did not buffer my pain and I had a miserable month of sleeping and felt sick all month. I was forced to use some otc meds to control the pain and that is too dangerous for my kidneys and liver. I refused to refill my prescription this month when I found out that this is the new pill and I cannot get anything else, not even a generic. I don't know how I will control my pain. Does anyone have suggestions? I cannot understand how the slick tounged pharma company can get this by the drug administration and gain such a powerful monopoly. How is this payoff being dispursed?
I am a disabled Veteran with severe back, neck, knee, and liver problems. I have noticed a difference also. This has acetemenophen in it and I was told no but yet has been verified by other people as a yes. I can only take so much Tylenol due to my liver. I have had severe headaches and been sick and in more pain since taking this new medication. I too am angry that they have messed with one of the best pain meds to keep the few abusers that will surely figure out a way to do what they need to with this medicine too, from the real Oxycotin. Bring it back Purdue. This new formula sucks and is not helping those of us who truly need it. Please do not make us beg... We are chronic pain people who use this legitimatley and need this medication to get up and moving. Help us, those who really need you.
my brother was hurt in vietnam and in severe pain until the came out with oxycontin. I see him on a daily basis and since the have come out with the new oc he has gone downhill pain,heartburn,vomiting etc... He went and fought for us and now he has to suffer because Purdue seems to think they are going to stop drug abuse by changing oxycontin into a non benificial pain killer. Please give the non addicts their pain relief back.
I take oxycontin 80 mg 6 tabs twice daily for pancreatic cancer. Never really paid attention to what the pills looked like, just that they were blue. Then about a month ago I noticed heartburn,which i had never had but chalked it up to a new symptom. Then came the massive increase in having to take my breakthrough meds. Finally, I have noticed whole 80mg pills in my stool periodically. How DARE they mess with peoples pain meds without so much as an announcement of some kind! I asked my hospice nurse why some pills would be passing without being digested, she seemed genuinely puzzled so I think these pharma creeps and their political pets want it kept on the down low, no boats rockin! Tell everyone you know about this...its no better than those pharmacists who were passing off diluted to uselessness meds for cancer patients a few yrs back .....what do they care, its not their pain, RIGHT? Im so furious I cant see straight....oh wait, maybe its just the plastic building up in my system. May those responsible for denying FULL pain relief to others suffer for it themselves when their time comes.
All you need is a Pedi-paw and grind them up (powders up better than the old OC's!) and snort!!!!
I tried the microwave/freezer method and it seems like such a waste of time and energy! Thank God for Pedi Paw!!!!
I have been taking oc20 brand for about 2 years cuz I can't tolerate Asa. For about a month I received these new op20 they simply don't work and my stomach bile doesn't digest them leaving them to raw sewage. I also have headaches and heartburn I never experienced before. My question why should many good people suffer at the hands of illegal pirating drug addicts. They will just kill themselves with other methods. We need action now or I will switch to kadian opana or avinsa to find relief but op20 are by far less more effective. Thank u for reading. Signed a very concerned patient.
The new oxycontin is making me so sick. I did not realize it at first. I have been getting horrible heartburn and acid reflux also my head has been aching . I thought it may have been something else until I looked it up. I have seen that it is commin with the new formula. Please chenge it back or at least do something.
i would like to know if others have trouble moving around at least 2hours after taking new oxy i've been on oxy the past 17years now i have no releif with newones please whatelse works
Most Recent Replies:
I'll sign it I have to take this medication for the rest of my life I'm not going to be sick doing it I have enough problems without that
Purdue never once stopped making their OC 80 brand, it's all a cover-up to cover their ass in that monster legal suit. The only Pharmacy to get the Purdue brand is Walgreens. Say you get your hard copy every 28 days, you bring it to a Walgreens and tell the pharmacist that you want the generic version. They will take at least 7 days to come in, but you will get the same OC 80's from 2004. They also come EX 80 and ABG 80.
Switch to 40mg opana they are just like a real 80mg oc. They took a ingredient out of the original oxycontin what ever it was is what made them work now they are like morphine. The 40mg opana are oxymoraphone I think that is what they took out of the oxycontin but they are just like if not better than the original 80mg of oxycontin. I tried a 30mg opana and it was like a real 80 oc.
still searching,
Ask the new doctor for an ER, instead of an IR. Opana ER is working great for me, and my new doctor also gave me oxycodone for breakthrough pain.
I have been prescribed several different pain medications over the years due to some chronic health issues I have. Just to name a few, I have EBV, MS, have had optic neuritis 3 times, and additional issues. If I had a choice, I'd prefer no medication at all, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards for me at this time. Im so sorry that this formula is not working well for you. I have not had this specific medicine, however I can totally relate to medications not helping. TThat's how I ended up on is site because I'm trying to see what others think of certain meds. It seems that I have a strange body or something, because when I talk to other people, they will rave about something and then it either makes me sick or out of it to the point I font feel like myself or like I can function properly, or last time I was in the hospital, they put me on IV morphine and I was itchy as can be and it got to the point I begged them to stop giving itto me. I find that percocet works best for me. It helps the pain but doesn't have any side effects for me except occasional constipation! Problem is, I moved to a new state and I guess it is abused here a lot so I cannot find a doctor to prescribe it. Its awful because what they write either doesn't help, makes me loopy or super sleepy, or has too many negative side effects. So I totally sympathize with you. Why when there is a perfectly good medicine that really helps people, but some dummies abuse is, he ones that need it suffer? Keep trying and try to keep your chin up.
I'll sign
I just want to infrom everyone that that that new formulation of oxmycontin experies as of 2013. However, I have bad news,. Purdue Pharmaceuticals has no intention of changing back the the old formulation. For mamy reasons but the main one and the really the only one i can divulge at this time is simply 3 letters.......FDA. They, of course, work with the DEA and the conclusions are the the overdoeses have significantly dropped since the the new formulation was invoced. It sucks as I am a fan of the origianl OC'S. Anyways guys, as of now there is no good information in sight for the near future. again. my apologies..........
I have found an over-the-counter drug, that works for me, and just wanted to inform you others about it, in case it can help you.
First let me say I'm in Denmark, so I'm not using a brand-name but the active ingredient. I take 3 X 60 OC a day, and have terrible heartburn and vomiting, IF I do not take:
2 X 20 mg. Pantoprazol/day
In the documentation it says to take only one a day, but I have found that two at 11.00 AM takes the stomach trouble totally away ... and if I miss just one day, they're right back!
I don't know if Pantoprazol is OTC in the US, but 20 mg. in 28-pill packs is in Denmark, where it's sold under numerous brand-names like Pantoloc.
Be sure to note, that they are NOT meant for immediate release of symptoms, they need 24-hours to work, but then they really do work, for me at least!
Hope the best for all of you, throwing up an OC is horrible, as it's wasted and we chronic pain patients so desperately need every one.
Love from Denmark,
i had been on oc 20 mg 4times daily for ankylosing spondylitis / Arthritis . worked great and could get out of my house and function properly and have good quality of life, the new OxyNeo sucks. still in pain, heart burn . hate this! People try switching to Oxy IR (INSTANT RELEASE) or roxicodone . im gonna try them instead.
Michael it was your post i responded to. the oc were not changed to ops due to addicts. that was just a convient way to pull it off. the ops have turned the chronically ill into critically ill patients due to side effects. this puts us in the death panel 1233 bill as benificiaries. it also applies to the severelly ill, and disabled. posted from the NY Times...
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