The Most Effective Med For Cough/wheezing
UpdatedThe problem with HealthCare. Follow the money. Pharmaceutical companies do not make great profits if it is over the counter. Drug Stores make more on prescriptions.
The government abused our healthcare for decades. Now...they are making it socialist healthcare. This way...the government gets in on the cost of what is new?
We know the "pharmacy interests" in having some meds removed from the consumer. I had bronchitis and coughs when young. One teaspoon of Terpin Hydrate immediately stopped the cough and sometimes the cough did not return. Terpin Hydrate, cheap over the RX. As I understand it....because of the gin? some were using it for alcohol. The codeine for pain or just relief from pain.
Paregoric was good for baby’s teething. Worked and no RX. Try to find it when baby is in pain.
I was not an alcoholic...nor did I smoke.
Air pollution has become the major cause for lung and breathing problems. Water pollution has become a problem. Government controls (or does not properly control) that.
Allergies are not new. Then why are the Asthma and Allergy Clinics jammed with young, old....when the number of persons suffering from that.....was the 30s and earlier decades?
Any adult can walk into a Liquor Store and purchase as much Gin as one can afford. And other drinks to become drunk and kill on the highways. Beer is available....Wine...
Follow the money. The pharmaceutical companies develop a drug and want ten years of high prices for what they found that might help many who cannot afford it. If I found a cure for anything....I would be willing and happy to make a reasonable profit for its sale. And at sometime...lower the price to the actual cost and distribution of the drug.
We have been and are being drugged. Drugged though the greedy ones....the government (if it involves money governments want their share). I have Cherokee blood in my veins. My father had a boil on his left hand. The doctors and the medications could not help. The doctor told my father...Amputation is the only answer to keep it from gangrene ...blood poisoning. My father went to tell his mother he was going to lose his left hand. She immediately used and old American Native Indian natural remedy to make a poultice for his hand. In a few days..the boil was gone and he did not lose that hand...because doctors could not cure it. Grandma never finished school. Never studied medicine. Indian methods of treatment are still out there....not made known. And they are FREE. Next time you have a can buy many so-called cures....which cost much money. Try to get some advice on how to either make Terpin Hydrate...or to get some... One teaspoon. I have been unable to make or find Terpin Hydrate. It might not be legal. If it works..lets make it legal.
5 Replies
My doc told me to go get this back in the 80"s cause of my brocituis.. it cured it... well not cured but fixed it.. and for many years.. now its back kinda and i need this stuff.. im going thru this every year now for the past 4 years
I too wish I could find both terpin hydrate and paregoric - they were wonderful and always worked. I have a lingering cough after a bad cold that will not go away and none of the o/c crap you can buy now works for it. Plus I have allergies so have a frequent cough during those times too. I truly hate the FDA and doctors nowadays they are only out for the big bucks not to help people.
I was introduced to Turpin hydrate while serving aboard submarines. At the 1st sign of a cough the corpsman would toss a small bottle your way and that was the end of it. I do not recall any crewmen being laid up with a cold. Amazing stuff. I tried to obtain some maybe a decade ago and gave up. I know that my wife would benefit greatly from some of this stuff now, so I sat down to see what I could find on the net. All I can add is, we as a people should be ashamed of what we have allowed the bureaucrats to do that so negatively affects our lives. I served this country on behalf of the people, not the bureaucrats or corporations.
I just got my THIRD terpin hydrate prescription filled (over the past six years). Terpin hydrate is NOT banned, although it's no longer carried in stock by pharmacies. If your doctor will write you a prescription for it, a compounding pharmacy can still fill it. They have to special order it so it takes an a few extra days, but it's awesome to have something again that actually WORKS!! And a bottle will last me about two years :-)
My child is 10 yrs old and she is wheezing while she has a heavy cold. She also has throat pain so she cannot talk. Please suggest any medicine for her. Right now I am giving her augmentin 375 mg tablets.
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