The Horrors Of Lyrica
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I was placed on Lyrica only a few months ago (only 75mg) Did it help my pain from nerve damage? yes it did. However, I have been experiencing acute problems with my teeth...the latest...yellow teeth and several turning green...i swear...been crying for hours...also enamel on front teeth almost destroyed. I am aware of the dry mouth warning, but there's no excuse for this. If you are thinking of this med. do more research, PLEASE. The blogs are everywhere....

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This is happening to me! I stopped Lyrica in December and I still have GREEN TEETH! How long before it goes away? Please help, I am scared.

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Linda...sorry to hear of your pain...I understand completely...It has been a long time since I posted< but am so so glad that you came across this forum. Facial pain is terrible. Acupuncture does help for sure. Good luck to you and stay away from Lyrica.....

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I've been prescribed Lyrica for facial pain syndrome and I'm so glad I've read this forum because I'm definitley going to stop taking it. I've only been on it for less than a week (the doctor told me nohting aobut when I should begin to get results i.e. reduction in pain) - but I get up in the morning and feel disorientated and can't walk properly - and the pain is actually WORSE - and it's getting worse with every day I take it. I've also gained 2.5 kilos in less than a week and I'm also bloated and achy. I'm already on Fluoexetine (weaning off) - so don't need any issues with depression that's for sure! I started weekly acupuncture for my face and it seemed to start working - but I think I'm going to stop the lyrica - in fact I KNOW I'm going to stop it and go back to the acupuncturist - all this stuff about Lyrica is scaring me. I'd rather try natural treatments first.

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You are right, Verwon, I am, at the moment searching for pro bono or sliding scale dental work. I'm still fighting for my rights. And I so realize that having bad teeth in your mouth could lead to all kinds of infections, including your heart and blood. I've survived this long on my own wits, I'll survive another 100 years or so. :)
I once tried accupuncture and it was awsome. Its all about arranging the financing and prioritizing the particular ailment. My pain level is decent right now, thank God. Its just the fatigue. I'm flattened! I'm ready to try massage and energy healing. (which is what I do, when I can make a living). So I know it works. Once again, money. Let it rain money!!!!

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Diane, you may want to try contacting various dentists in your area, some of them will do charity work, or use a sliding fee scale based on income and some may do in-house financing, where you can make personal payment arrangements with them. I am currently looking into financing options, such as I mentioned.

There can be just as many health problems with having no teeth, if you don't have dentures to replace them, as there can be with having bad ones, so you do have to evaluate your choice very carefully.

Cheryl, my mother use Acupuncture for many years, for her pain and health problems, because she had quite a few and could never get a doctor that would properly treat all of them, at once. She had very good results from it and was a major proponent of it.

It may not be right for everyone, but some people get very good results from it and I really hope it helps you.


Is there anything else I can help with?

And feel free to vent, as much as you need or want to, this site doesn't mind, at all!

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Good morning...what a world...glad to haave this site to vent a little...feeling oerwhelmed, BUT I am thinking of trying acupuncture to deal with my pain. starting to do some research into the success rate with back pain and fibro. will get back to you....

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Ya know gang.....? When I was but a youngster, I'd see and hear about all the wonderful progress being made in the medical field and how all of us would live longer and healthier lives. And life would be a dream..... I am now on disability, not enough to live on. Certainly not enough to buy dental work. I now realize that all these medical breakthroughs(if you want to call them that) are for the more fortunate(rich) people in our country. I know I sound bitter......I guess I am. I don't feel well enough to go out and pursue the American (capitalistic) dream and to add further insult to injury, I feel ugly. Simply put. And abandoned. I've tried every social service agency that I can find and there is just not an answer for me. Sorry for being a downer, I'm usually a happy person. Better toothless than dead, I say! And since I've been off the Lyrica, I no longer have mind blackouts in between sentences and thoughts. Thankfully, I can spell again. My brain is back to normal. Life is good. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest ya'll. Sending good energy to all of you who are trying to manage your pain. I currently do not have a doc who will touch fibro. So I'm doing self hypnosis. I'll try anything. :)

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Verwon - you said exactly the right thing - PAIN MANAGEMENT - I have been on pm for many years due to back surgery - perhaps these physicians should spend a bit more time discussing side effects with patients before they so easily pull out the prescription pad. Good luck to you...

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Hey there Diane - sorry I didn"t get a chance to reply til now. I would have been very surprised if you had gotten a reply from the pharmaceutical co. Heck, I couldn't even get a nod from my doctor. Now the dental work begins....I wish you all the best.....

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Unfortunately, there are many medications that can take a toll on your teeth, regardless of how well you try to take care of them. The first good sign that it may do so is if it has a warning that it may cause dry mouth as a side effect.

Narcotics are known to be the worst, but it can happen with this class of medications, as well.

I am with you, Diane, after years of being on pain management, I also need dentures.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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Thank you Cheryl I'm not crazy. I was on Lyrica for almost a year. Every other month I'd brake a molar or a tooth. I didn't know what was going on. The worst part is that I spent thousands of dollars on jaw surgery and braces (as an adult) and all that work has gone down the drain. I now need dentures. Great I tried writing to Pfizer, got no response. Sometimes life sux. Oh, and I'm in terrible pain. Hang in ther sweetie.

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Thank you Cheryl! I'm not crazy. I was on Lyrica for almost a year. Every other month I'd brake a molar or a tooth. I didn't know what was going on. The worst part is that I spent thousands of dollars on jaw surgery and braces (as an adult) and all that work has gone down the drain. I now need dentures. Great! I tried writing to Pfizer, got no response. Sometimes life sux. Oh, and I'm in terrible pain. Hang in ther sweetie.

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