The Ingredients For Bgo Cream Made By Calotabs Co Of Greenville Sc (Page 2)


I am looking for the ingredients of BGO made by Calotabs Co of Greenville, SC years ago. My jar has long been worn smooth and can't read it.

42 Replies (3 Pages)

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Hey Laurie,
Thanks for your kind comments about BGO. BGO first came out on January 22, 1931, made by Beeman’s Laboratory, Inc. in Atlanta. In 1944, Eugene A. Rush, President, and his wife, Katie, Vice President and I found a Eugene A. Rush who earned a degree in Pharmacy from Brooklyn in 1910 so maybe that was the one who came up with BGO and started Beeman’s Laboratories. We lived in Atlanta during the fifties and my dad, who owned the Calotabs Company (Calotabs was a laxative - looked like a white M&M), acquired Beeman’s Laboratories in mid fifties. We moved to Daytona Beach in 1958 and my dad retired in 1975, selling the company to a Charles S. Bell, of Greenville, SC. I believe that is when BGO went from a brown, glass jar to a white plastic one. We did not manufacture BGO ourselves but farmed that duty out to some company that does that sort of thing so when the company moved from city to city, it continued to be manufactured elsewhere. BGO’s sister product, BQR (Beeman’s Quick Relief - almost 10% alcohol), a cold remedy, we did the bottling ourselves and I worked on the production line during the summer of 1962, and I still use as an Inbox a wooden container that we used to move the bottles of BQR from station to station. I have no idea if the manufacturer of BGO ever changed. I remember in the late fifties or early sixties, we created a new formula that had air whipped into the BGO and it was amazingly light and smooth, disappearing into the skin very quickly, but unfortunately it no longer worked, so we never put that formulation into production. Thanks for your interest.

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I got the email notice of your message and clicked on the link, and inadvertently looked at Harry's original question thinking it was the new post, and I replied to it. I will now reply to your message. I spent a number of hours researching BGO and Beeman's today and found a little. Beeman's Laboratories started selling BGO and BQR on January 22, 1931. In 1944, the president was a Eugene A. Rush and I could find nothing on him. I did just find an 1899 lawsuit against Ohio Dr. Edward Eugene Beeman (b. 3/27/1839, d. 11/6/1906 - he was adopted by a Julius Beeman), who invented Beeman's gum:
This action was brought by Edward E. Worthington, the plaintiff in error, against Edward E. Beeman, the defendant in error, and others not served with process, who, it is alleged, had been partners in business at Cleveland, Ohio, under the firm name of the Beeman Chemical Company, in the manufacture and sale of pepsin gum.
I would think if Beeman formed his company under the name Beeman Chemical Company, he would not call it Beeman Laboratory, Inc. in Atlanta. This would imply to me that there is no direct connection between Beeman's gum and Beeman's Laboratory in Atlanta. But I can find nothing as to where Beeman's Laboratory came from. Dr. Beeman invented his gum in 1879
And I found his obit:
DR. E.E. BEEMAN DEAD,; Chewing Gum King Gave Up Medicine to Become a Manufacturer
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 6. -Dr. Edwin E. Beeman, who was known as the "Chewing Gum King," died here early this morning. He has been afflicted with paralysis for several years. Twenty-five years ago Dr. Beeman gave up practice of medicine here for the manufacture of chewing gum. It was said that the idea of combining pepsin with gum was suggested to him by a young women who worked in a newsstand where he bought gum, and that he always took good care of her after he made millions.
Dr. Beeman often said that the success for his business was due in great measure to his advertising campaign. Everywhere was the picture of Dr. Beeman with the words telling the virtues of pepsin gum. He took into partnership W. J. White, now of New York. Dr Beeman sold out his chewing gum interests several years ago.

His gravemarker says simply "Edward E. Beeman"

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I would like to have a bottle of BGO as well, I would pay $50.00 for a bottle

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Tom -

Why would you pay $50.00 for a bottle of BGO?

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I'm own a venture marketing company and have experience in development of salves. I don't know much about BGO other than what I learned throught these post. If anyone could send information about the 'recipe' I could probably get it resurrected in some form. FDA governs pretty strickly such things, but certainly it it was as good as everyone proclaims here in these post then perhaps it's worth a shot. Though compounders are good, it often requires modern chemist to figure out how to make a 'brew' that works proper.

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I had Walgreens order two tubes of Calmoseptine. They didn't stock it in the store. The tubes arrived this week (1/11/2015).

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Menthol 0.44% and Zinc Oxide 20.6%

INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: calamine, chlorothymol, glycerin, lanolin, phenol, sodium carbonate, and thymol in a suitable ointment base.

The four ounce tube cost $8.99 each. Made in USA at Calmoseptine, Inc. Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Phone: 800-800-3405.

Even with the ingredient differences it smells like the BGO I remember. I'm giving one tube to a friend and keeping one. I'll update later to advise if it has the same healing magic as BGO.

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When I was growing up we had a dog that had the mange. We tried everything. Even what vets suggested. Nothing worked we had a jar of BGO (the brown jar) and we applied this on the dog, it healed the dog within a couple of days. We used this for all types of sores. When I was grown I bought this and kept it until it was used up. And then could never find it again. Would love to find it somewhere!!! If anyone finds it, please let me know!

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Wow does this stuff last or what
I just found one obviously last bottle and used some of it soI thought I would order some on the Internet. Our 60+ year pharmacy used to carry it. My family and my children grew up using this stuff.

I would really like to know

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THANK YOU SO MUCH ! From a big fan of BGO! I don't understand why the pharmaceuticals ever stopped making this most useful product!!!

Your suggestion to shop with Walgreen Drug Store was most helpful!

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In my family BGO was a cure all salve. Family joke was it would cure a broke leg. I even used the product on our pets and once even a rooster that was fighting and was badly flogged. The ointment healed the rooster's wounds almost over night. Great acne medicine also. A friend was going to a dermatologist and didn't improve so my aunt gave him a little brown bottle of BGO and in a couple days he was blemish free. If I could purchase the formula I would introduce the product again. I have 3 whole bottles remaining and it is used sparingly.

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Excuse me, but did I understand that you can get BGO at Walgreens? I was in the process of about to try and order some. Please let me know if I can get it in Walgreens. Thank you

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Re: Stella (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I also had a compound pharmacist make some up for me. Not quite the same. This is the formula I gave him to make it:
Lodoform, Sulfur, Calamine, Phenol, Menthol, Undecylenic Acid. His had a stronger smell and didn’t go on as smoothly. This was like gold to me. Wish someone could make it again so we could buy it. The right formula. I sure would.

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Re: Passingship (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Hello... Pertaining to BGO: We were raised on this ointment as have been my Grands. When the company in Greenville (my hometown) went out of business my aunt bought 2 cases and divided it out between the family.

In 2008 I had shingles on my left side. As soon as it was diagnosed I applied BGO. It was completely healed within a week. It is amazing!

Sadly that was the last of our family's supply. The closest ointment I have found is Calmoseptine Ointment. It's not as pink as BGO and though it's fairly thick, it's not as "butter" thick as BGO. But it's better than nothing.

If anyone compounds BGO or recreates it for resale, please let me know.

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Re: Gale R. (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

It's missing the Sulfur though.

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Greetings from Ireland Harry.

If I may let me recommend that you try LA ROCHE POSEY range of creams. They are very effective formulations
in helping to heal a myriad of skin problems. Personally from using their CICA PLAST BAUME 5 on my grandson,
with my own Son the LIPIKAR range is excellent in replenishing the Lipid imbalance on skin.
They do a full range of washes, shower gels etc. All hypoallergic and clever design so that no contaminants can re-enter the bottles or tubes when used. A prescription is not required as they can be bought OTC in any good or chain pharmacy. Great for all ages even do a makeup range for hypersensitive skin.
I hope you can get some wherever you are and get some relief. I also hope this is of use to anyone else with skin issues. Slan agus Bennacht ( bye & bless) Maggie

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Re: Passingship (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have the brown bottle with black top and it still has some product in it. I remember my mom using it for ringworm, athletes foot and any kind of itching we had. I don’t know how old this bottle and the product inside is, but I still use it!

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Re: Passingship (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Passingship, it was a real good product along with many other items that were sold back then. I do have a friend that is a compound pharmacist and I will ask him what he thinks about this product? I still have it and it still works for me. I bought many containers at the time. Thanks for the input.

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Re: mary from georgia (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Mary from Georgia, I now live in Georgia too. I have tried to find this wonderful BGO product. I have read the many posts. The posts have provided me many memories as well. I am down to my last 2 sm bottles. I wish I had bought more, like some of you did back in the day. It was a wonderful gift for us all to have to use. Sorry it had to end.

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I have a jar that my mother in law gave me when my Daughter was born 27 years ago. I’ve been looking for more. I hate you can’t get it anymore. It really works great for a lot of things. I had a bad skin boil come up and I used it on it and it helped so much. If it works they quit making it. However this has been around so long I understand why they aren’t making it. I wish some other drug company would pick this up.

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Re: Passingship (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Wow! I'm 71 years old and I just got stung twice by a yellow jacket. It made me think of BGO. I have to tell my husband about when I was stung for the first time. I was 3 or 4 years old and my grandfather took a bunch of his grandchildren down to the bottoms at his farm. He was on the tractor and was pulling us on a flatbed trailer. I was the youngest and my cousins were to look after me and make sure I didn't fall off.
We ran into a big yellow jacket nest. My grandfather got stung many, many times. So did my cousins but they shielded me and I only got stung once on my chest. When we got home, my mom saw what had happened and came running with the BGO!

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