Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam (Page 5)


Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam, and I personally feel it is a good thing.

Teva, in my opinion, is a low-quality company who actually manufacturers 70% of their products overseas, in cities and communities I don't think you would want to live in.

I find the change-over, in terms of most of my medications, including clonazapam 2mh hs to be more effective than before.

There are, of course, individual differences, but this is how it is for me personally.

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115 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Klonz (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Will you say sorry when by next month we start to see it again?

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I got a call today from TEVA, I called them back and spoke to them. They now are saying it’s definitely coming back, not that they are hoping, it’s definite. They are not exactly sure how long but will know much more in the next couple weeks. So it’s 100% happening people!!! I was just surprised that they called me, I didn’t answer but called them back and got the directory and was super pumped, I called them like 2 months ago and I’m surprised they remembered me. So if you have contacted them and get a call from Pennsylvania answer it. I didn’t get the chance to speak to the specific person who called and would really like to know exactly why they called but after calling them back I got the definitive answer. We won, nice job guys.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Happened a year ago without warning. Big deal. Read this whole thread.

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Re: Ed (# 3) Expand Referenced Message
I, too, used TEVA brand clonazepam for years and was suddenly switched to Activis with no explanation. I learned that TEVA had bought Activis Pharmaceuticals, and was no longer producing clonazepam tablets - but distributing the Activis brand instead.

Further research showed that, at least for now, TEVA *does* still manufacture 1 mg clonazepam in the orally dissolving tablet. My pharmacist, nor my doctor knew this. I had to find it out myself and tell my doctor. Your doctor has to write the scrip for 'TEVA ODT' (orally dissolving tablets), and you might have to wait for your pharmacy to order them and get them in for you. Like I said, my pharmacist didn't even know about these - she just changed me to the new brand with no warning, bounced me back and forth between Accord and Activs - both utterly useless for me. Different people react differently, but if you have a problem with these other brands, tell your doctor about it, and ask him to write you a new scrip for the TEVA ODT.

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Re: ArlisT (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Im glad they are working for you. The only problem with the ODT tabs is they dont contain the ingredient providone, which is what i think makes the Teva brand work so much better than others. The providone affects how quickly the medicine is released in the bloodstream, basically its like a time-released pill. Hoping they bring back the old Teva by end of summer!

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Re: Sam (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

The ODT wear off too quick unless you want to take them multiple times a day. I know I dont

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Re: Samuel (# 86) Expand Referenced Message
I have not found that to be the case. I use 1 mg twice a day, same as I did with the regular tabs.

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Re: Jill (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I been on NorthStar for some time have had no problem,s out of them.

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Re: bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. I got .05s from Walmart. They are made by Sandoz for Northstar. Unlike Teva, where you never know what you get because they have 25 manufacturing plants the Sandoz/NS is manufactured in Italy. I like consistency and every bottle I got of Teva worked differently. Teva also hurt my stomach and made me constipated. No problem with NS

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I’m Taking ClonazephAm 1/2Mg A Day And They Make Me Sleepy

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Re: Bill (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I think I can tell Mr clonaPham.

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Re: Izzy (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I just filled clonazepam & got Teva

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Re: magicman909 (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, what state are you in? I called my pharmacy in PA and they told me the Teva aren't available to order. I'm wondering if maybe they havent' made it to every state yet.

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Re: Sam (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

Teva is only produced in 1mg strength. Call Teva and they’ll tell you the same a d if you get the right rep they’ll tell you they’re not scored. She told me they couldn’t be cut in half because the mix is evenly distributed. So take your chances but Accord seems the best option at the moment

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Yes I also got Teva last week when I filled my script for 1mg tabs. I asked what brand they had and she looked and said we have Actavis and Teva brand. She told me they just got them that day. They are not scored but seem ok otherwise.

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I’m getting nervous that the .5mg won’t be scored as well. I take 1.25 mg, basically 2 and a half .5mg pills. There’s no way my insurance would pay for 5 of the .25mg a day and it would be a major pain if my doc had to prescribe for 2 different dosage levels, that would be hard to explain to my insurance as well. Does anyone know is the .5mgs will be unscored when they come out?

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Re: Matt (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

I dont know, but if they arent scored does that mean you cant break them in half? Like is the medicine not distributed evenly throughout? I heard someone mention this before but wasnt sure it its true.

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Re: Matt (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

They half just perfectly. I do this.

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If a medication is unscored it shouldn’t be split in half because it’s not evenly distributed and you won’t get an exact dose. Any pharmacist will tell you that. Clonazepam needs to be the exact same dose daily for me, if the new .5 Teva’s aren’t scored I’m gonna be screwed because Actavis will be gone and I’ll have to deal with Accord. I’ve grown accustomed to Actavis by now but it’s still an inferior version over Teva, Accord is just fake.

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Re: Matt (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

So true. Idk about the .05 which I take but the rep from Teva said the 1mg wasn’t scored because it wouldn’t provide equal distribution. I had problems from the old Teva 833s I use to take not being consistent month to month. They were manufactured in Israel so I’m sure that had something to do with it. I have a feeling that’s why they quit production for awhile. The Accords I take now are consistent even though produced in China

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