Teva Lorazepam Reviews
(Newest replies first)
I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.
While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.
My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.
If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.
Here in NJ March 2025, Teva 2mg Lorazepam appears very difficult to find in Walgreens and CVS.
Re: Larry Michael (# 687)
Thanks but both Leading and Teva work fine for me.
Re: Richard H (# 672)
Hi Richard and all the old school posters on here! I was on this site a long time ago and wanted to give you an update. I was on the originally Watson and it was the only one that worked for me and I had a bad reason to Sandoz Leading, Actavis, and Leading. I was on Lorazepam for 18 years and got so scared when my pharmacist said Watson is gone, no more! I switched to Xanax and had a bad reaction and was determined to find a solution. I finally found a benzo literate doc to help me taper and I’m currently in my 28th mo of tapering using diazepam. I cross-tapered in one week (I had only about 8 mg left of lorazepam). I had at least 100-200 different withdrawal symptoms and it has been a roller coaster. Any of you stuck facing either leading or Teva lorazepam and you’ve had bad experiences like myself, I suggest you guys make the switch! I can help you guys if anyone needs it!
Re: Leebs (# 685)
We need two things..for older compassionate docs to hang in there and for them to teach that same compassion to younger docs who have misunderstood and think their licenses are under threat if they prescribe benzos. RFK jr. is certainly not going to help the situation....instead he should concentrate on his own issues.
Re: Richard H (# 683)
Richard, my Doc is out of state. I have seen a Psych Doc in Manasquan who seems pretty compassionate. Will keep you posted if I hear anything else.
Re: bilbo (# 680)
We're all different..some hate/love Leading, others like myself think Teva is as good as the old Watson....its all not only in the genetics but in the fillers that make the active ingredient work.
Re: Leebs (# 681)
Don't want to ask anything personal but by any chance is your doc in Clifton? I'll let you know if I find someone too.
Re: Richard H (# 679)
Richard, can your Psych Doc refer you to someone? I’m in the same boat, Doc is retiring next year. If I hear anything I’ll try and let you know (not sure what kind of communication is permitted). I’m also in New Jersey and similar situation.
Re: Ken (# 6)
I was on Ativan and it worked wonders. Now I'm taking Teva Lorazepam in it hardly does anything. I've asked my Doc to prescribe Ativan. I'm willing to pay for the good stuff.
Re: gsrmike2377 (# 677)
New Jersey. My psychiatrist is retiring soon.
Re: Richard H (# 676)
It sounds contradictory, but psychiatrists that have a sub-specialty in addiction psychiatry will usually prescribe benzodiazepines where medically necessary. My last three sub-specialized in addiction psychiatry and there was no issue (I moved to a new state, then in current state the first dr moved out of the area).
I believe it's because they're actually educated in benzodizepines, how they work, how to get people off them, etc., so they aren't afraid of them. I've met and heard of other doctors that literally get a panic attack at any discussion of prescribing them.
Re: Richard H (# 676)
I found one but I am only on 1.5mg a day. Most primary doctors WON'T prescribe benzos anymore ... but psychiatrists will prescribe. What state are you in?
Has anyone AT ALL had success finding a benzo-friendly psychiatrist? Mine is about to retire and after reading so much about benzo tapering it's scaring the s*** out of me not being able to find a dr. who is willing to continue my stable dose (for over 40 years) of Lorazepam. Not only am I 77 but also am a caregiver to my paraplegic wife, do all the house and garden chores and still work. Lorazepam enables me to do that. Not everyone abuses their prescription and I'm healthier and more in touch with the world than friends of similar age who behave rather 'old'.
Re: Sam (# 674)
It seems Teva is great for some as Leading is for others. I'm guessing it's the fillers that determine the effectiveness. Teva works well for me.. I dislike Leading only because of it's thickness. For me, though; Nothing beats the old Watson (before Actavis bought it and used the same molds)...but it's gone now.
My pharmacy switched to Teva this week and I'm currently feeling pretty bad. I have taken all of the brands over the years and for me Teva is the worst. I actually complained directly to the company a few years ago and for years there was a note in my pharmacy records that I cannot take the Teva brand but it has somehow disappeared. I truly feel as though I'm going through withdrawal.
Re: Richard H (# 672)
Unfortunately the decline in activity is due to changes that Google made for ranking independent sites such as this one. It's less related to the name change. The main issue that came up when the domain was shortened from "MedsChat" to "RxChat" is that some email messages started ending up in spam, but that seems to have improved. But that email issue didn't account for the drop in activity. What you are observing is mostly because of the Google algorithm.
Re: Leebs (# 671)
I'm really curious why there aren't people here any more like there once was. Was it the change from MedsChat to Rxchat? In my case my email started dumping email from here into my spam folder -and I just kept emptying it....please- CHANGE IT BACK! I was given the reason for the name change is that it was too long when called "Medschat"...we are talking 2 extra letters!.....isn't it odd that after the name change participation in this and other chat dropped considerably? The old adage "if its not broken don't fix it" sure seems to apply here!
Re: Richard H (# 670)
I’m on Leading, while not as good as others in the past, it’s tolerable. I agree that the quality across the board has gone down. I would like this thread to stay open as I’ve always found it informative and helpful.
Is everyone now content with the brand of lorazepam they are taking or has this thread become sparse because people have switched to other meds? Or.....has everyone realized that all the generics really do work and are basically all the same except for the fillers...the fillers are the key....
Re: Leebs (# 668)
Thank you and we don't plan on going anywhere.
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