Teva Lorazepam Reviews
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I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

669 Replies (34 Pages)

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Re: Leebs (# 668) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you and we don't plan on going anywhere.

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Re: MedsChat Admin (# 665) Expand Referenced Message

It is a shame. A very valuable site that provides helpful information to those that need it. There’s really nowhere else to go. Hope you hang in there and thanks.

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Re: Richard H (# 666) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to know that you found these forums to be helpful! Hopefully others have as well.

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Re: MedsChat Admin (# 665) Expand Referenced Message

It really is a shame, over the past few years I've found these forums very valuable!!!

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Re: Richard H (# 664) Expand Referenced Message

Appreciate the feedback Richard. Unfortunately emails being routed into spam is only part of the issue. The main problem relates to Google demoting this site over the past few years.

For instance, this thread was seeing hundreds of views per month this time last year. As of today (Oct 17th) we're up to only 19 views on this page.

Google has decided to kill off many independent sites and is now favoring:

- Large corporate or VC-backed sites.
- Sites that game the search algorithm with pages written for SEO and other tricks. Recovery centers are notorious for this.

This is in spite of them saying that they're going to surface more content from user communities such as this one. We've never played the "SEO" game, as it goes against what a community is all about. It's a shame really.

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Re: RxChat Admin (# 662) Expand Referenced Message

You are right...they are going into my spam folder...on ipad, I tell it to move to inbox, they don't. In the Gmail app...they do not appear AT ALL......not in spam or anywhere else.....this never happened when name was medschat (is rxchat REALLY that much shorter to remember?) Seems all participants had no please note...hardly anyone is posting!

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Re: RxChat Admin (# 662) Expand Referenced Message

Since the name change, i have not received a single email notification - and they are not in my spam folder....not sure what I can do. Were people actually having difficulty with a name like "Medschat"? Why do unnecessary changes always screw things up?

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Re: Richard H (# 661) Expand Referenced Message

This article might help: MedsChat is now RxChat

Re: emails, you may need to check your spam folder, as we've had reports that our messages are ending up in there lately.

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When did this page turn from Medschat to Rxchat? It dawned on me over this Summer of 2024 I've received no notifications of any posts in any of the lorazepam chats. Is it because everyone is now satisfied with what they are taking and not posting or has the name change screwed things up?

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Re: Irastas (# 657) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure who this is addressed to..but Leading is a pharmaceutical house with one office literally within a half mile from me. They make generics but I have no knowledge of what else they make.

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Re: Leebs (# 654) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry I haven't answered until now... I wondered what happened to this group...all of a sudden my ipad started throwing emails from here into my junk folder, never happened before... The pharmacy that carries Teva is CVS!

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Re: Irastas (# 657) Expand Referenced Message

Leading Pharmaceuticals is a generic drug manufacturer. One of the last that sells generic Ativan (lorazepam) in the USA.

Good to know about Lorax by Concern Pharma. I guess when I lose my commercial insurance for Medicare in 15 years and lose coverage for the very expensive brand Ativan from Bausch, I'll retire to the UK where I can get a good quality generic lorazepam!

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By "Leading Pharma" I take it that you are referring to original proprietary brand names Temesta, Ativan and Tavor, the brand names used by Pfizer? Personally I find that the 2.5mg generic, pink and embossed "MP21" which I am dispensed almost always, are more efficacious than the Pfizer original brands. Here in UK the name used most often is Ativan though if imported from Europe, Temesta is not uncommonly seen.
I can readily recommend the Indian brand Lorax-2 by Consern, even if they are only 2mg rather than the usual 2.5mg.

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Re: gsrmike817 (# 655) Expand Referenced Message

Interested to hear as well - subscribing to this thread

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Re: Richard H (# 653) Expand Referenced Message

was it stronger of weaker for you ? for me it felt alot stronger when i switched from watsons but it took about 2 weeks n i felt normal again

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Re: Richard H (# 653) Expand Referenced Message

All I can find in NJ is Leading. It’s been ok, but not as effective as others. What pharmacy are you using if I may ask? And did you have problems with Leading. Like I said, recently been switched to Leading and it’s been ok, not as calming as Teva was.

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Is this thread dead? Finally, circumstances got me to change pharmacies...and low and behold the new one stocks Teva. I'd been on Leading for nearly a year...this was the first time I encountered what others had been saying-regarding its efficacy...I felt at times I had been given the wrong dosage by the pharmacy.

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Re: sleeplessInAZ (# 651) Expand Referenced Message

Compared to the current generics brand is night and day different. It is $$$$ but if you doctor can get it approved on your insurance it’ll be a tier 3 (top) fixed co-pay. Also consider Loreev XR. It’s a brand name but much cheaper than brand name Ativan and might be easier to get insurance approval for. Outside of those two that’s all I can think of for lorazepam, next would be Xanax or Klonopin switch.

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Re: Henry (# 648) Expand Referenced Message

i have never used brand name ativan. is it really that much different? i started out on old school watson. brand is $$$ compared to the generics, but if it actually works, consistently..

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Re: sleeplessInAZ (# 649) Expand Referenced Message

Watson was bought by actavis back around 2014......they bought the molds too....never altered the though pills still said Watson on them they were made by actavis until actavis sold its lorazepam production to Teva. Teva did change the molds but not the formula when it was manufactured in Israel. But then Teva outsourced production to the Czech Republic and I have no idea if anything changed officially but I sure noticed a difference before I knew they had done so. As far as I know its still made there....I've been on lorazepam 2mg 3x day for over 40 years....back when the name brand was made by Wyeth and it was incredibly effective...when I lost insurance coverage at retirement (I'm 76 now) I began with the original Watson generic which I found as effective as Wyeth's Ativan. In my area it's nearly impossible to get anything but Leading....I know the fillers are different so it's not as effective as other generics for many, but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones - It works for me (though if I was really 'lucky' I wouldn't need it in the first place).

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