Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 32)


I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

652 Replies (33 Pages)

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Re: gsrmike2377 (# 616) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I got leading pharma lorazepam also. Does anybody know if these specific 1mg are sublingual, as it rapidly starts to melt pretty much right away??

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Re: Gnomemac28 (# 621) Expand Referenced Message

Does the Leading seem to work well?

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Re: Gnomemac28 (# 621) Expand Referenced Message

Leading has always dissolved quickly for me....the binders aren't that strong apparently but these days i find it just sceffective as the others available...problem is..the outstanding ones like the original Watson...was nearly the same as the name brand USED to be.....

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Re: Richard H (# 623) Expand Referenced Message

I'm on the brand which was made for Bausch Health (formally Valeant, formally Biovail by acquisition) by a company Meda Pharma GmbH in Germany for a long time. It was owned by Mylan Pharmaceuticals and Mylan is now all merged up into Viatris. So Bausch Health approx a couple years ago started making it in-house in Canada and I take it. I can say it works perfectly (at least in the 2MG size) for me. Better than the biovail days under Meda. Sadly Bausch, like Biovail before them severely price gouges the market on brand Ativan so it's tough to get insurance approval.

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Re: Henry (# 622) Expand Referenced Message

Ehh not really it could have better full potential honestly

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Re: Henry (# 624) Expand Referenced Message

There's only one correction about where brand Ativan originally was made. Wyeth Pharmaceutical in the late 70's made it first. The best benzo ever produce. Never knew Mylan ever had any connection to brand. If so that would explain why the generic worked so well. Those folks from Bausch Health well y'all know how I feel about them. Still say their formula is nowhere close to what Mylan made generic wise. Just my humble opinion. Teva and Leading still is about the same for me. I'm still feeling the burn from Aurobindo jumping ship and changing their original generic. Hope y'all are doing well.

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Re: Ken (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Leaving pharmacy lorazepam is crap

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Re: gsrmike2377 (# 620) Expand Referenced Message

The Teva brand gave me the same results. The shakiness, no appetite, and all around sick feeling. I did find out from 3 other people on a benzo thread that they could not take lorazepam and they all had the same symptoms with it from the first day they took it. All were sick and suffered weight loss, no appetite and the shakes. They had to go off of it which I should have a long time ago. I have an appt. Thursday and I am asking her to get me off the lorazepam asap and to avoid tapering of one to the other, I am asking her to put me back on clonazepam. I sure hope it is available now as it was in shortage. Wish me luck. I can't imagine what feeling normal and wanting to eat is going to feel like.

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Re: Paula (# 628) Expand Referenced Message

Ugh, sorry to report I just checked and it’s showing only the brand name Klonopin is available nationwide:

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Re: Paula (# 628) Expand Referenced Message

Goes to show everyone is different. Klonopin has the same effect on me.

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Re: Paula (# 619) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear Paula. I was recently switched to Aurobindo from Teva. First few days were rough (nervousness, lack of concentration, headaches) has gradually gotten better, not quite as effective as Teva, but tolerable for me.

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Re: Richard H (# 629) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Richard! This is somewhat unrelated, but my Rite Aid may be closing, which is concerning, they’ve always done a good job for me. Concerned about switching pharmacies. Does anyone have any recommendations? Any chains that do a good job and are not judge mental? Just professional and courteous. I realize that many times it’s location secific. Just looking for some general guidance. Thanks

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Re: Paula (# 628) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear that Paula.... but switching will cause withdrawal..... you must taper over.... only way you can switch and avoid withdrawal is xanax. Ativan is fast acting. So is xanax. When u switch to a slow acting. Klonopin or valium. It's ideal to taper over like replace 1 dose at a time for 7 days. Then another ect

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Re: Henry (# 629) Expand Referenced Message

Not true. I just picked up My Klonopin 1mg tablets made by TEVA today. Today's date is 11/19/2023. So whoever told u that is wrong. Folks, I've been taking Ativan for 35 years and Aurobindo is now the best generic Ativan on the market hands down.

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Re: gsrmike2377 (# 620) Expand Referenced Message

Well the Teva was a bust but I did find out that several people I talked to could not take orazepam and had the same symptoms I have had for nearly a year now. Psych doctor wants me to taper by cutting my pills in half, three weeks for each pill. I told her I wasn't able to do that. I weigh 89 lbs. I told her I needed to get stable on my weight and built back up but was met with a cold stare and a call me in 2 weeks. New psych dr on the horizon that is an MD not an NP. Wish me luck.

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Re: Paula (# 635) Expand Referenced Message

Wishing you the best of luck Paula...... The Benzodiazepine Information Collation website has benzo smart doctors listed state by state if that helps you.

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Re: Paula (# 635) Expand Referenced Message

I know that look Paula. It's a very unnerving feeling. Especially when they have no idea what you're going through. Mine has somewhat slowed down with the taper. Did you have any luck finding a new Pdoc? Hoping you did and got this thing figured out.

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Re: gsrmike2377 (# 636) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Mike, I've been on their website but really didn't find anyone that is willing to write a script from the links they've posted. I think I saw a place in California. Place was iffy. No guarantee they'll write you a script. Cost wasn't cheap either. I'm still not having any luck finding someone outside of the military. Most are reluctant to take on new clients or write a benzo. Lots of doctors and nurse practitioners out there but as I said many shy away from writing controlled substances. You were right about what I'd be able to tolerate on amounts in this taper. Shouldn't be this way after being on Ativan for these many years. Peace y'all!

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Re: Gsrmike2377 (# 633) Expand Referenced Message

Mike, my Pdoc wanted to switch me across the board from Ativan to Valium. (No taper) He said Valium is longer acting. Was always told Klonopin was longer as well. Not sure if that's half-life or not. I'm always hearing and learning new stuff that I'm not sure who's telling me what. That's not you but medical professionals. You don't always know who to trust. Are you saying they should switch like one pill a day until you're fully on the other? If that's what you're saying that explains why I was not well when they dropped me off Ativan to Klonopin. They left me without anything for like 19 hours and started giving me Klonopin.

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 639) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Jibbs, sorry to hear all of that. Yes, Klonopin and Valium both have the longest half-lives. Valium is the longest, and Klonopin is second, but they are both long-acting benzos. When crossing over, you should taper. Here's an example:

Your doctor is uneducated. Maybe bring him a copy of the Ashton Manual. You cannot just cross over.

8am - 1mg Ativan
4pm - 1mg Ativan
12am - 1mg Ativan

Here's how you would taper over:

8am - 1mg Ativan
4pm - 1mg Ativan
12am - 0.5mg Ativan, 5mg Valium

You would hold this for a week or two, then proceed.

8am - 1mg Ativan
4pm - 1mg Ativan
12am - 10mg Valium

That is how you cross over. After one whole dose is replaced, you start with another dose. All of this is covered in the Ashton Manual. You should read it. 99 percent of doctors don't know anything about how to get a patient off safely.

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