Testim Users (Top voted first)


I just started Testim today after being diagnosed with Low-T. Not sure what my tested levels were at the moment, but have a call into my Dr to get this info.
My wife is very concerned with this drug. She has read that it is dangerous to her and my 6 year old daughter. My first dose (1%) was this morning and I followed the instructions for application. I have noted a strong smell on my hands and I am afraid to touch anything much less my daughter. I am wearing a shirt, but my wife is still nervous about it. What can I tell my wife that would ease her concerns?
I want to give this treatment a chance. I have weak erections, I have been gaining weight in which I thought was normal, decrease in muscle mass, trouble concentrating at work, etc….
At first I thought I was ADD or something and tried different treatments for that along with Cialis. I got some positive results at first, but nothing long term. When my blood results came in with results of low-t and started reading the symptoms I was eager to try Testim.
Please offer any advice and on the application and prevention of transferring to my wife a child.

3 Replies

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Testim gel can have unwanted side effects for both women and children and you do need to be careful about transmission to them. One thing you can try to avoid the smell/transmission on your hands is wearing medical type gloves when you apply the gel. They can be bought cheaply at any drug store and will also help make sure the gel is applied better and not wasted when you wash your hands afterward. Also, make sure the application site is dry before putting your shirt on to help prevent exposure that way. I am currently pregnant and this drug can be especially harmful to a developing fetus...but with my husband and I both in the medical field we feel it is a safe drug as long as the proper precautions are taken.

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Testim contains the active ingredient Testosterone.

As to dangers to your wife and child, it was actually a different compound called Methyltestosterone that was reported to cause a high incidence of breast cancer. Its used was discontinued and regular testosterone, which has been proven much safer, is now used instead.

This is a common misunderstanding. You can read more about this finding here:


That said, if you are using it as instructed, there should be no risk to either of them, just follow the instructions as provided.

Did you have any other questions?

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As long as you wash the area where you apply the drug and your hands after application prior to having any contact with that body part and a woman or a child, it will have no adverse affect. Testim achieves maximum absorption within 2 hours, so if you use it in the morning before work and shower when you get home, you're fine.

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