Tennis Elbow And Weight Training
UpdatedHi there! This is my second post on this issue and desperately need advice.
I was diagnosed with tennis elbow a month back which i am sure was due to my heavy weight training. I took a 5 day seradic-p medication course but it helped only while i was on it.
Now its been close to a month and it still hurts my elbow joint when i extend my arm or fold it tightly.
My problem is that i DESPERATELY NEED TO RESUME MY WORKOUT JUST LIKE OLD DAYS. Cardio bores me to death. I guess the next appointment i would need to take would be that with a psychaiatric if i have to wait any longer before i resume my workout.
Please help me advise how should i go about it? Is there any medication, ointment etc that would help me get rid of this probblem for good?
Kindly help and advise.
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