Temazepam Hangover (Top voted first)


I have been having sleep issues for some time now. I have taken ambien then lunesta and they no longer work. My doctor gave me a script for 30 mg Temazepam. I took the first one last night. I sleep very well but had a very hard time waking up and have felt groggy since arising about 4 hours ago. Does this hangover side efect go away or is it the norm whenever taking this drug?

4 Replies

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It may sound funny at first, but word for word, this is listed as a normal side effect of Temazepam:

"hangover effect (feeling groggy the day after you take temazepam)"

Referenced from: nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a684003.html#side-effects

However it also mentions that you should let your doctor know if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away.

My suggestion would be to continue taking it as prescribed, just to see if this is something that frequently occurs or if it's a one time thing while your body adjusts to the medication.

I hope this info helps!

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Thanks for your help and the link!

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30mg is too much! Try 10mg but lie down and try to close your eyes. I'm 15 stone which is 210 pounds and 10 works for me.

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I seem to have gotten very "spacey" recently, forgetful, & have a lack of concentration. Could it be from 30mg of Temazepam? Anyone else with these symptoms?

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