Tanzeum And Rising Blood Sugar Levels (Page 3)


Been on it for a week and now my blood sugar levels are higher, and I tried to call them and they will not return my calls, so tell me why am I taking something that is making my blood sugars higher? Now I eat less and now my blood sugar is higher. It used to be 140 to 180, now it is 186 to 235 which I have never been this high, so what is the deal? How long do you have to be on it for it to start working? OR maybe it does not work on me.

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Need a refill where can I apply for prescription assistance for this medicine

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1-866-747-1170: patient assistance for Tanzeum. I have a savings card that makes it free for a year.

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Started Tanzeum tonight with 2000 mg metformin and 20 mg glucotrol xl. Dont like what I am reading. How long does Tanzeum remain in your system?

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My dr prescribed tanzeum but after researching it, no way I'll try it.
There's a pretty good chance you'll end up with pancreatitis or even pancreatic cancer, and also the risk of thyroid C cell tumors is much higher. (Both of these cancers are very hard to treat successfully) I can deal with other side effects but not cancers that are on the "not much hope" list.
You must do your homework. Drs don't have time and aren't trained in pharmacology.

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I had problems with the tanzeum also with increased blood sugars. I took myself off of it. Think it was causing some other issues as well. Now just on my insulin and Jardiance.

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I take metformin 2000 mg a day,and 8mg of glimepride . Now started tanzuem 30mg . My bs wer ranging in 300-400 . Looked up my meds that I've been taking for 8 years , found out that nexium and amitripitlyn raised blood sugars . I stopped the amitripilyn and only take 20mg instead of 40 and my sugars went down by half 2days later . Everyone that takes meds need to look up all side effects and interaction of other meds .follow your gut if you think something is not right check it out . If my sugars dnt come down more on the tanzuem after a few weeks I will b stopping it . All the meds we take are making us sick eventually. And have to take other meds . Smh

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I took Tanzeum, lost 30 lbs right off and lowered my blood sugars in 3 to 4 months, you cant expect results in weeks.

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Is it safe to take tanzeum while using alli? I was told by my Dr. that I could take alli while using metformin, but im no longer taking metformin.

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Re: Gypsey (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Doctors eat don't they? lol They know something about nutrition, especially if they are in shape.

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