Tamoxifen & Hot Flushes
UpdatedI am 51 and it is now a year since I had a lumpectomy. Prior to starting taking Tamoxifen I was having regular periods but since taking the tablets they have stopped which is great, however, the hot flushes are unbearable especially in this hot weather, they are embarrassing as I literally break out in a sweat. I have also put on a considerable amount of weight which I am finding hard to lose. Please could anyone advise how long the hot flushes are likely to go on for, is it 5 years? I hope not as I don't think I can cope with them. I have tried accupuncture which seemed to help with the flushes but it is relatively expensive as I think it is an ongoing problem. Also worried as a friend who finished taking Tamoxifen a year ago has had to have a hysterectomy due to thickening of the lining of the womb apparently caused by Tamoxifen. Has anyone any suggestions or thoughts?
2 Replies
Hi, Sweaty Betty! Very sorry about the problems that you're having, from personal experience I have to agree that the hot flushes are horrible.
Have you considered bio-iodentical HRT? The type you do with safe, natural hormonal balancing supplements?
I'm not sure what all is available for you, but you may want to ask your doctor about it, or check in with a naturopath in your area to see what your options might be.
Many women your age have very good luck supplementing progesterone and using herbs such as Black Cohosh, Chasteberry and Dong Quai.
Hi. Breast cancer patients with estrogen or progesterone driven cancer cannot add hormones to their diet. The point of tamoxifen and other breast cancer drugs is to reduce or block the hormones that drive their cancer in the first place.
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