Taking Subutex And Percocet Together (Page 32) (Top voted first)


My doctor just put me on subutex along with percocet. I've been on percocet for yrs for severe and chronic migraines. He told me to take the subutex and if it doesn't work to take a percocet. I usually take 15 mg percocet at a time. I've read some stuff online that worries me. Some people say if you take percs with subutex you'll go into withdrawals. I went through severe withdrawals with fioricet months ago and I don't want to go through that hell again. I took my first subutex about an hour ago and I still have a migraine so I want to take a perc now. Can I do that or will I get sick?

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Its the Bupe that makes you sick not the Nalaxone

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You will not go into withdrawal if you are currently taking Subutex and decide to take Pecocet. It will most likely do absolutely nothing and you will feel like you just ate a tums. It is the other way that causes withdrawal. Subutex will knock off any opiate, heroine, oxycontin, vicodin, percocet etc. from your receptors and place you in immediate withdrawal. Sounds like the doctor was trying to find out if you were addicted. Subutex will put you into half withdrawal immediately if you are currently using opiates. If you are on Subutex and take a percocet no worries. You will not feel anything, no harm done. Of course, it will not make any pain go away because it can't work at all.

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I am not giving out any medical information. I have been taking Subutex for 5 years. It is simple, Subutex causes withdrawal if you have abused opiates, OR have taken opiates for weeks uninterrupted. It is very strange that any Doctor would prescribe Subutex AND Percocet! Subutex kicks all opiates off of the receptors and it will not work with the same efficiency for up to Five days after you have taken the Subutex depending on dosage.

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Listen im not licensed but the max dose for subutex for an addict.. doing a bundle a day.. which is about 3 perc 30's id guesstimate is 2 and a half.. i can take 4 and a half but then i get jizzamed and i dont like that... makes your treatment pointless n you short.. as for them fiorcets and percocets there pretty pointless there good for my grandma dieing of cancer thats about it... stick with the subutex.. itss like comparing asparin to an oxy 160 or whatever 120 .. the banned ones... for any more detailed info please do email me fiorcet and percocet user trying to get father off them trying to help grandmother with cancer... they cant take the first step even.. well he cant.. shes just in pain next state is a few miles over and they have medical marijuana there hope she gets that with her chemo cuz her doctor is pathetic.. n i dont want to goto jail.. i gotta help others in the future.

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