Taking Lyrica For Extremely Bad Acid In Mouth
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I have been having severe acid reflux for several years and taking more and more acifex and other strong antacids. Last year I woke up ewith acid in the mouth day and night my gastroenterologist sent me to a surgon. I did not like the surgon so I found a different gastroenterolgist. After talking to two other Dr's, the gastroenterologist suggested I take Lyrica after uping the doseage from 10 mg twice a day to 50 mg twice a day I have some relief. for some reason he is resisting upping the doseage above 50 mg twice a day. I am getting some relief but after about 5 hours the acid comes back, although not quite as bad but it burns my tomgue and makes my tongue swollen, so I bite it. What is magic above this doseage?
11 Replies
I forgot to add, that after 3 or 4 visits, the Dr says I have burning mouth syndrome. No cure and no idea what caused it, looks like I am stucks here for the rest of my life
Re: Ed (# 1)
The 75 mg twice a day was not enough. The Dr upped the dosage to 3 times a day 75 mg. Even that is not doing its job after about 3-4 hours the acid starts up again. I chew gum but that only helps for 45 minutes.
Re: Ed (# 8)
One of the issues I am having is to remember to take the Lyrica at 4PM. I have tried multiple ideas and they don't work. Right now I have a person call me at noon to remind me about taking my morning meds. It will be awkward to ask the person to call twice a day.
Re: Ed (# 7)
I am still taking Lyrica 75 mg x 3 and it does help except... When the 8 hours is almost up the acid starts to come back not a lot (like it used to be). I have to wait for 2 hours and then pop another Lyrica. One thing that it has definitely helped is the 3AM wake up with acid burning my tongue. The acid in my mouth definitely impacts my sleep though. Now I fall asleep during the day 3-6 times and I don't feel refreshed, just tired. It feels like I am walking on empty all the time.
My gastroenterologist has upped the dosage to 75 MG 3 times a day with Lyrica.
It's a mixed bag of worms some days it's OK some days it doesn't help a bit. Not sure on where to go from here. I have severe memory issues and remembering to take the dose at 4 PM is at best iffy. Even if I remember the acid continues but at a somewhat reduced rate (some days) other days it works well untiln 10PM.
No real update. The Lyrica is helping although not always for the good. I still have nights where I wake up and my tongue is on fire, or my throat is hurting. It's a little convoluted right now as the doctor's office is changing over messaging systems and the doctor is incommunicado so to speak.
My doctor has OK'd for me to up the dose of Lyrica (75mg) 3 times a day. The acid taste start up around 1-2pm and I take the Lyica at 3PM. It helps but some days it doesn't. I have started to take ALTOIDS (candy that has a strong mint taste) somedays when the acid is bad. It sort off helps, but not all that much.
I had my appointment today with my gastroenterologist. After giving him an update (I was taking 75 Mg twice a day and it did help a little, but the medication seems to wear off after 5 hours), I asked him what I had and if there is a cure. He said to me well congratulations, you have what is called "Burning Mouth" and I have only seen two cases in my 20+ years of being a doctor. I said well, that's great but what is the cure? That is when he told me that there was no cure. (UGH!) I asked what the next step was and he upped the dosage of Lyrica to 75MG 3 times a day and to see him in 3 months.
I do not eat/drink acid foods with one one exception of one cup of coffee in the morning. For breakfast I have 2 scrambled eggs and coffee. For lunch I usually have a variety of soups. Dinner is usually turkey or chicken and rarely meat. I drink no alcohol. I am on many drugs, mostly for blood thinning and 3 antacids, ACIFEX (2 times a day), 2 ranitidine 2 times a day and omeprazole twice a day. I have been in two of the antacids for 8+ years. The omeprazole started up last summer. I *USED* to take another antacid (I don't remember the name, but according to the doctor it was the strongest on the market - Didn't faze the acid). It was also extremely expensive (around $10 a pill and I have a decent drug plan). The ACID in the mouth 24X7 started last Oct 2, 2016, before it was acid in the stomach and GERD, not in the mouth. I have been through every stomach evaluation known to man. All results come back negative. One doctor insisted that I should be off all antacids before the evaluation and I couldn't handle it. The nurse told me to take tums. I was taking 30-40 tums a day and zero response. I went back on the antacids and it took me a week to get back where I was. So far the Lyrica has been a reprieve but only for a few hours. At least it lets me sleep at night. I used to awake (at 3 am)with a burning acid in my mouth and no liquid seemed to help (Pepto Bizmo and another which I can't remember, at least one of them cooled the mouth down to where I could go back to sleep). My tongue was swollen and my taste buds were destroyed. This caused me to bite my tongue and that started off a new round of pain. The acid in the day time starts around 4-6 PM and I have to rough it out till 10 PM when I take my next dose of Lyrica.
What other medications do you take? What types of foods do you eat? Do your drink any acidic beverages, such as sodas, coffee, or alcohol?
According to NIH reports, all of those may contribute to acidity issues.
Sorry, I am just trying to discover the root of the problem, to possibly help you.
My doctor upped the dosage to 75MG twice a day. It does help but for a limited amount of time. Right now it's 7-8 hours. I go to see the gastroenterologist next week. To make a long story short I took the dosage at 8 AM and have been getting worse for 3 hours. I will wait until 10.
I will make sure I understand what is going on with me and what is causing it. I really need relief, I will also ask what is the cure.
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