Taking Talwin For Pain Wile On Suboxone


I have been on suboxone for 2 years now for opioid dependency . Yesterday I saw an oral surgeon who pulled my bottom teeth for dentures. The surgeon peracribed talwin for the pain. Will this have any side affects taken with my suboxone, and or will it even work. I'm afraid I'll be sent into withdrawals or still be in pain. Please respond as soon as possible im in a lot of pain and Motrin is not working.

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Hello, Meagan! How are you feeling?

No, the Naloxone in the Suboxone will most likely block the Talwin from working. Ideally, he should have had you stop the Suboxone for a few days, before doing the extractions.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

What dosage of the Motrin are you taking? Have you tried using ice?

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I just read your message and was hoping everything turned out ok. Are you ok well I should say were you ok??? I was surprised the dentist gave you Talwin while being on suboxone!! Oh My Im just glad he didnt give you Talwin NX!!!

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