Taking Levesam 750 Mg During Pregnancy
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I have been on AKT for one year along with Levesom 750 mg suggested by my doctor as a treatment of Tubercloma Liaison spotted in my Brain.

I have been taking Levesom 750 mg twice a day form last one year. AKT was stopped last year.

My doc. had suggested form another country that I need to take Levesam for one year which is over in June, 14. I have been taking med. one month over now.

I can't wait for doc. suggestion as the appointment is in Sept, 14. I have missed my periods from last 4-6 weeks and I am pregnant again.

Is it safe to take Levesam 750 mg during pregnancy? I am afraid as I had a silent miscarriage in the month of Jan, 14.

Please suggest.

2 Replies

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Can I take Akt2 tab in 4 month of pregnancy I am taking it before 2 month before that I were taking AKT3 for about 2 month. I am not TB positive Dr is giving me for infertility.
What if I miss the dose akt2.

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Hello, Sunpreet! How are you? Congratulations on the pregnancy.

There have been no controlled human studies, but there has been evidence of some possible risk to taking it while pregnant.

The best thing to do would be to inform your doctor that you've been taking it. You also might need a dosage adjustment, while pregnant.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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