Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 25)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

508 Replies (26 Pages)

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Re: MySheriAmore (# 472) Expand Referenced Message

No one mentions the horrific pain of depression.

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I have found that mood gets way better after a 5/325 hydrocodone. It works better than any antidepressant I’ve ever had. Even 1/2 the pill does wonders for my depression. That said, this is nothing I could ever tell my doctor! Probably one or two times a month I do this. I take the hydrocodone for severe arthritis....maybe once or twice a month. It sure makes me happy!

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Re: Sandy719 (# 480) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I completely agree with you. That ni would love to have for my depression as well.

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Re: Betsy Rambo (# 478) Expand Referenced Message

I agree completely with you. Getting to the root of the pain. Wether it be physical or mental.

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Re: Herman2005 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes having pain taken away with out severe side effects would make me feel like I Had a chance at life again after years of govt purge I.feel depression going away just to know someone is acknowledge pain is depressing and takes away quality of life!!!

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Hi SLee.
Yes I experience the same thing and have even said something to my doctor a long time ago. I can't remember what he said but I had said how I wish they could come up with some kind of medication that mimics a pain medication for depression. I myself feel 'normal' when I took pain medication and is the very reason why im struggling today. Being 5 years clean from opiates which don't get me wrong im happy about it however im finding it much more difficult for me to lead a regular life. No im not suicidal whatsoever. Actually I have a real fear of death. What im having trouble with is my overall will for ambition. Its zero. My mind is fine I just can't seem to want to push myself. And after being like this for so long my muscles have become weak. Now its hard for me to stand for long periods of time or with my arms I can't lift certain things and the pain in my back has returned and now im really suffering. Im now at my wits end and don't want to be like this anymore....and is why I've been looking online for my original solution which means ill be going back to square one. And im fine with that. Actually I cant wait.

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Re: tony (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I understand what you are saying i really do but when your life is more than challenged by having depression and working at a better you or whatever it is that you do doesn't work well then your left to taking the one that will work for you. I guess you'd have to look at it at this point as a desperate plea for help just to feel better and will do what you have to for yourself otherwise no one else will.

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Re: Broken again (# 467) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely agree. Pain ruins life and is the cause if severe depression. But they keep trying to convince us that it’s the depression causing the pain! Wrong. They haven’t lived it! All lies. Quality of life is critical and chronic pain destroys it!

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Re: Jenc (# 486) Expand Referenced Message

Kratom gives some relief but it’s no panacea like they say. Lol. Def NOT an opioid!

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I found out too that from my torn rotator cuff I was getting depressed from the chronic pain. Low dose Hydrocodone helped a lot, BUT the doctor cut me off. I need to find another doctor who understands, or an alternative way to obtain. I welcome any advise.

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Re: Diana (# 490) Expand Referenced Message

There is a neurologist, I believe in CT who believes in the hydrocodone/pain/depression link and that people in pain never heal. Wish I could get there to be treated. Meanwhile Kratom is your best safest bet.

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Re: Brambo (# 491) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you kindly. I'm in NJ. I take kratom, but alkalinity causes me problems. I need a low dose hydrocodone 5/325 and and I'm great all day. Unfortunately, many suffer for over abuse by others. I still have rotator cuff pain too but surgeon cut me off. I tried online and got ripped off. If you know of any in NJ or alternative methods I'm willing to try again.

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I dont know the mechanism of action but my sister and I both agree hydrocodone relieves our depression better than our antidepressants. Why the pharmaceutical companies haven't jumped on it is beyond me. I would like to find an MD in NJ/NYC who understands, or a company I can purchase from that accepts an expired prescription I never used for hydrocodone 5/325 mg, that I can't use. What was I thinking?

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Re: NutsyFagin (# 482) Expand Referenced Message

That is exactly what I took 1/2 and felt great. I never took more than one a day. My last rx was 2019. I need a refill but it's insane. In fact the # of rx's over past several years for opiates was ?? but deaths due to OD's were up.?? That's just wrong. People resort to street drugs and are dying.

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Re: Jenc (# 487) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you kindly for understanding.

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Re: Sandy719 (# 481) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely! Been suffering for years on many antidepressants. Spend days in bed. Nothing works for me except hydrocodone 5/325mg half a tab twice a day. Go figure? There has to be someone who gets can help us.

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Yes, and it works. Long term short term.

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Re: Diana (# 492) Expand Referenced Message

I went to online and what was I thinking. Got ripped off as well. But that stuff is junk anyway
100%agree and the same things happen to me. My own therapists can see the difference. Wishes she could prescribe.
Please someone help me

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Re: Joe B (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know why hydrocodone reduces depression?

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The rx provides stimulation which reduces depression .

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