Taking Fentanyl But Need To Move Within Ky Cant Find New Doctor Prescribe
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Need to move from morehead,ky to london,ky (over 100 miles away) . Am on fentanyl patches 10 years because of spinal stenosis. Cant find new doctor in london to prescribe. What can I do?

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DEFINATELY get a copy of ALL of your medical records from your current doctors. I mean your PCP, Pain Management, Hospital, ER, ALL of your recoreds and bring them to your new appointment with your new dpoctor. Bring X-ray images, x-ray/CSCAN/MRI reports.. EVERYTHING! Ask people that live in the area that you are or have moved to to recommend a good doctor that will take the time to listen to you. Your the one that has had to deal with the severe pain all of these years and YOU are the ONE person that know what does and what doesnt work. If the doctor doesnt seem to want to listen to what you have to say then kindly thank them for their time and tell them they are not the right doctor to handle your extensive care and try someone else.
My doctor recently moved from my town to a town about 75 miles a way. She was the doctor that I had been seeing for the past 5 years and KNOWS my extensive medical history and for me its just worth the 150 mile round trip once a month than to have to find someone else.
You might also try asking the doctor that you had been seeing to try to help you locate a doctor that will continue the care you've been under so that you do not have to start going thoguth tons of medications all over again knowing that ones they will want to try will do NOTHING for you! Hope this helps!

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Do you mean that you are calling them and asking if they will prescribe it?

If so, then that is the reason right there. That is actually seen as drug seeking behavior and will get you told no, without ever even being seen by the doctor.

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

I know that wasn't your intent, but that is the way many doctors are taught to perceive it.

Thus, the best thing you can do is to set up an appointment with a doctor in your new locale and make sure that they get a full copy of your medical records. When they can see what has and hasn't worked for you, plus any testing that has been done, as documented by a fellow physician, they will be more likely to prescribe accordingly.

Do you go to pain management, or just a general practitioner?

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