Taking Atorvastatin (Top voted first)


I cannot swallow pills. The instructions for taking Atorvastatin says do not crush or chew. Should I continue to take it this way?

2 Replies

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From what I could gather, Atorvastatin only comes in tablet form, whereas you may just have to find a way to adhere to those instructions unless your doctor suggests otherwise. Another thought is to ask your doctor if dissolving the tablets in water would be an option as well? And lastly, if none of the above is suitable for your needs, then perhaps it would be best to find another alternative to Atorvastatin that comes in different dosage forms and without restrictions as to how it can be administered. A few medication names that might be worth considering in the same drug class of statins are: Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, and Pravastatin - however I'm not sure how they're being supplied and what, if any, restrictions they might have with regards to methods of administration.

I hope this helps!

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Thank you for your reply. I will have to speak to my doctor about alternatives.

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