Taking Amprya After A Week (Top voted first)


I am an MS patient with walking difficulty,my doctor has put me on ampraya,the first week i took ampraya i felt very good but follwing weeks i am feeling as before i started to take the medecine,please let me know whether i am doing anything wrong

2 Replies

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If ur not having any side effects, continue to take Ampyra. I have been on for almost 15 months now. I do have ups and downs, but definitely will continue to take it. I do not think ur doing anything wrong. Just be patient and keep us posted. take care....

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Yes, while you may feel some benefit from these types of medications immediately, it does take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks, for them to reach their full effectiveness level in the body.

If you've been on it longer than that and it still doesn't seem to be helping, or is causing problems, then you should speak to your doctor about it.


Thanks for sharing your experience, Erin.

Does anyone else have experiences with this medication to share?

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