T 194 Yellow Pill (Page 5)


I have a T 194 yellow pill that says it's a percocet 10mg, but when taking it, it made me feel super weird and my chest hurt. Is this a possible side effect?

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Re: Poohsy (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Typically grapefruit juice can inhibit certain enzymes (notably CYP3A4) which can reduce the clearance rate (half-life) of certain medications. This can lead to that medication building up in serum (blood/plasma) levels. Although this enzyme is related to the metabolism of nearly 50% of pharmaceutical drugs It's seldom ever toxic.

Some people actually do this deliberately to make medications (like xanax) last longer or to "potentiate" their effects. There are some cases with certain medication though where grapefruit/juice can cause serious complications due to the enzyme inhibition/reduction of clearance.

As far as the Camber, user/poster "nomas" recently informed me on a different thread that the Camber t194 are the exact same as Endocet made by Endo pharma. I haven't tried either myself. All percocets make me feel like crap, some more than others. I'm not a chronic pain patient though so I only take them a few times a year if not less.

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Not sure exactly where to put my comment, so here goes. I used to get a generic Percocet 10/325 from CVS that was yellow (don't remember the manufacturer name because they switched to Rhodes over a year ago). I don't know if I got a bad batch from CVS or if Rhodes just makes poor quality medication, but I switched my script to Walgreen's because even though the A333 pills were not as effective for me as the ones CVS stopped carrying before the switch to Rhodes, they far surpassed Rhodes. The first time I took one of the Rhodes pills I kept waiting for it to work and 7 hours later I never did feel it take effect so I took a second dose as my script says to take 1 pill every 8 hours as needed for pain. I found the Rhodes pills to be very inconsistent - sometimes the worked so-so, sometimes it was like taking nothing at all, and sometimes they were strong enough to notice.

So that is why I decided they are a waste and switched to Walgreen's. On 2/1/2018 I picked up a new prescription from Walgreen's and received the yellow T194 pills from Camber. While I don't think they are as good as the yellow ones CVS used to carry, I will take these over Rhodes any time. For me, the T194 pills seemed to work quicker but wear off before the 8 - 12 hours of pain relief I received with the A333 pills. And the A333 pills took longer to kick in for me, but also the pain relief lasted longer once they did kick in. Both for me are FAR SUPERIOR to Rhodes medication. I have not had any adverse side effects mentioned by others to the T194 pills, but I do not dispute these reactions as there are different fillers in the two brands of pills and the reactions could be to the fillers and not the active ingredients of the medication.

My main problem when I fill the prescription is being scrutinized by the pharmacist and the pharmacy employees as if they are trying to see if I look stoned. I take the medication as prescribed so I do not look stoned, but they still seem to be on the warpath every time I take in a new script (same pharmacy for over a year, no early refill requests, same doctor for about the last 8 years, no failed U/A's administered by the prescribing doctor, etc., etc., etc.) I would love not to take this medication just to not have to go through this BS every time I take a new script to the pharmacy, but I have not figured out any other way to get rid of that feeling of someone pounding a sledge hammer into the base of my spine. I have arthritis and degenerative disc disease in all three parts of my spine so the pain is not going to be "cured" and taking an opioid does seem to make the pain manageable enough so that I can do normal daily activities without having to rely on others to do them for me because I am in too much pain to move. I am lucky that I can function better than many others, and I am thankful for this. But I see no reason to live in constant pain if this medication can make that pain more bearable. I don't believe chronic pain patients need to be pawns of the doctors, the medication manufacturers, and the pharmacy personnel who seem to be on a personal life mission to make the lives of people on controlled medications turn into a living hell. I hope those of you having problems with this manufacturer change and also with nasty pharmacy employees can find the relief you need as quickly as possible.

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It probably is the naloxone. It did that to me alone with nausea and a bad headache. It's called the "Intelligent drug delivery system". When I took the T194s I researched the IDDS and as long as the pill is left whole when you take it, the naloxone is not released until it's coming out the back door. I don't buy this. How else are they keeping you from getting the opioid feeling? All the side effects everyone is getting are the side effects of naloxone. Google oxycodone/naloxone. The IDDS was patented around 2014.

A study was done on 600 people that took the pills orally as prescribed and the most common side effect was nausea and vomiting. The only way to get the meds without naloxone in it is to be in a hospice house or in a hospital. The T194s and all others will be the same so get used to it or give it up. The GOVERNMENT has spoken.

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Re: nomas (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

Wow! This is huge! Thank you. I’ll speak to my pain mgmt doctor as my primary care Dr & my pharmacist suggested that after all my month’s of trying new generic each month with each one suddenly loaded w/side effects I must request “brand medically necessary” be written on my next refill prescription for my insurance company to honor it as is by law.

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Re: Scooter (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Allergic reaction; if you haven't had this before on oxycodone then it's the naloxone that is combined with the oxycodone. It has a lot of side effects. Call your doctor asap as it will get worse and will cause other health problems. Good luck.

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Re: nomas (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

Nomas, thank you for your post. I found it quite interesting as I'm trying to get to the bottom of the 'why?'... Why in the world would the pharmaceutical companies, at this point I'm not certain if it's one or all agree that poisoning pain patients for the sake of saving them from drug addiction is the golden answer for saving mankind from drug overdoses? Yippee, I haven't taken a shower in days, still in pjs, dishes are piling up, thank god there's cereal because the idea of cooking something substantial seems like a monstrous task that my weak body and depressed mind can't fathom. Hello couch, I'm back. All of the years of inj's., ablations, steroids, massage, chiropractors, la la la, time lots of time, and now, here, take this chronic pathetic pain, take this nice little poison pill cuz the government is going to fix this epidemic, so proud, isn't this great - new symptom diarrhea, add that to the list, for some reason I'm going to guess that they are going to tell me it's not from the pain pills, depression can cause horrible fits of diarrhea too :) I hope that whoever decided that caloxone adds relief for chronic pain gets diarrhea too! Sorry, I'm venting, I'm sick, I'm hurting and I'm scared.

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Re: Big red balloon (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

I feel for you friend. Please allow me to suggest that you do some independent research about your situation, your health, meds, natural alternatives. (Things not getting better ?) There are answers, help/relief, and a better life but... Only if YOU educate yourself on YOUR situation. I WAS on over 1000mg oxy per day and 12+ 10/325 vicodin a day...I take 0 now. Learn about your body! Good luck.

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Re: LaLa (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Percocet 10-325 for 3 years I’ve never felt so bad in my life now I see why after looking these new Percocet T194 up they are worthless they aren’t helping my pain I just feel dizzy and sick I don’t have a appetite or anything I’ll be going to a different pharmacy for now on

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Re: zelliebean (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

Pharmacists are trained to check you out to see if you look stoned, agitated, ect. Any signs you are on drugs, just like when you go in to buy Sudafed. If you do in their opinion, they are to tell you they don't have whatever you are looking for.

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There are 4 hormones that are produced in and around the brain. They are signaling molecules that make you feel things like love, lust, addiction, motivation, happiness and rewards that make you feel good. #1 is oxytocin. Oh now that looks a lot like oxycontin. Now dupont knew if they could make a pill that could do all that everyone would buy it and go through the gates of hell to get one. Low and behold they did and they call it percocet and oxycontin. Named it after oxytocin that is produced by that little pituitary gland at the base of the brain. Who would ever think that little sucker could do all that? Well, dupont did. Dupont got the world hooked on these pills and made enough money to pay the national debt off. Ok I got a little off track. #2 endorphins. Well now you don't have to be real smart to figure out that looks a lot like endocets. Well the rest looks like the above but not quite as good as the percocet. The other 2 are serotonin and dopamine. All 4 are stimulated by opioids and a few good fillers. Now those things called polymers like povidone and pvp (polyvinylpyrrolidone) - they are not just filler. They are molecule structures. Change it around and you can make one to mimic opioids. Turn it the other way it will mimic amphetamines. Now I recall a post on this site where a woman said she took a t194 and cleaned her whole house before she sat down. Now I bet she didn't know she got ahold of one of those bath salt molecules. Now don't get me wrong the second generation of bath salt had a lot of people hooked on it. They can add these molecules to the lesser amounts of oxycodone and make it feel like you got more. Like the car insurance commercial, I got more.

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It makes me itch too! I've been on oxy for severe neck pain for several years and the little yellow pills do not stop any of the pain but it sure does make me sleep. About an hour after I take it I can't keep my eyes open and oxy has never made me sleepy, in fact, I have to take meds at night to make me sleepy. I'm talking to my dr and get him to prescribe something different. Glad to hear it's not just me

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Re: Comments Submitted (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your response. I need to ask you, what did you learn about your body that now has you off of pain meds? For me, its because of my body that I am on them, pain is the all consuming pestilence that keeps me ffrom any simbulance of a normal life, pain pills give me the ability to be a participant, and without a pill that takes away that pain, I would be consumed by pure agony, sure spend boatload af money on so called alternative medicine, medical marijuana (not in my state) acupuncture $$ massage, BREATHE, do something that takes your mind off of pain. I've done it all and quite frankly, following a strrict pain management contract regarding the amount of opioid permissible, I followed accordingly, chronic pain sucks, so please, do tell. How are you now living a life, pain free without an opioid?

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Re: Poohsy (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

First of all, if you check the FDA website somewhere on there in VERY SMALL PRINT it will let you know legally ALL GENERIC MEDICATIONS CAN BE UP TO 20% LESS ACTIVE INGREDIENT & STILL PASS FDA STANDARDS! Meaning a generic 10 mg anything can & often IS actually 8 mg! Even though the label still reads: 10 mg!

Although I know for certain Walgreens (not even the pharmacy mgr) pharmacy cannot order another generic brand for you (or anyone) and the reason is simple : Walgreens pharmacy corporation has obviously made a huge deal with these pharmaceutical company which is saving them a ton of money /making them a ton of money and have an agreement with this pharmaceutical company to exclusively disperse ONLY their medications!

However, all the fillers are NOT exactly the same in each generic medication made by different pharmaceutical companies and every pharmacist is well aware of this! Personally, I feel it’s extremely condescending when a pharmacist speaks to me as if I’m a clueless child or an uneducated imbecile simply because I take prescription medications (which provides them with a career need I mention?!) and I have a concern, question or complaint regarding a new prescription medication I’m going to be putting into my body every day! This infuriates me to no end!!

I’m deeply sorry you and everyone else on this thread is having all of these issues. I refuse to owe Walgreens or especially CVS (the CVS pharmacists across the US are over-riding doctors, pain mgmt drs, specialists and even surgeons writhing pain medications for patients, I simply find this appalling! Yes, pharmacists are extremely knowledgeable regarding medications however, they do not attend college or complete internship to become doctors or surgeons nor do they have any idea what specifically that customer before them has that prescription for, how dare they limit that person to a 7 day supply of medication forcing that person who may have just had surgery or be in daily pain, may not have trusted family members to assist them, to return every 7 days to refill their 30 day prescription!)

I’m very sad to watch Kmart pharmacy around the US close down, I was a Kmart pharmacy customer for over 5 years and never once treated with disrespect, never once did they use pharmaceutical companies well known for making less than stellar generic medications or did they not have any of my prescriptions on time for me.. so I know it’s possible!

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Re: MeJane (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

I just did this; went through my insurance company to approve “brand only; med necessary.” They happily approved. My Dr wrote it on the script. I’ve tried every generic Percocet for 7 months straight each with horrible side effects that have consistently made me sick! Totally different med. Upon getting my script filled the pharmacist I've trusted has now told me none of his wholesalers have name brand Percocet available to him to get for me!? Omg.

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Re: MeJane (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

really? Wow! Did you try a different pharmacy or a local pharmacy? How much more will Brand name Percocet cost you?

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Re: painnnn (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

I was told by my pharmacist that no one has complained about them at all and I find that very hard to believe. when I went to CVS to get mine for the first time I was told that I was the second person who had came there from Walgreens who have the same issue. I hope we can all find some relief with this issue and our pain.

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Re: painnnn (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacy is a private local one; my pharmacist is working on finding a wholesaler who offers the BRAND percocet for him to order. He also said he found one wholesaler that carries it but they’re out of stock/backordered which I find is total “BS!” as generics are being forced on us for competitive pricing in “Big Pharma” industry. My pharmacist also said a bottle of 100 BRAND costs him $1,800.00 where generics cost him $40.00. There's one pharmacy only in my pain mgmt contract so I can’t search other pharmacies. However, my pharmacist says he’s working on finding BRAND for me as we speak. My refill is due in a few days so we shall see. Here I went through all this red tape to be “allowed” medically necessary brand only that was backed up by my dr’s, ins co AND my pharmacist yet another obstacle after following all the guidelines. We definitely have fallen innocent victims to this opioid crisis.

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Re: MeJane (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

hmmm that sucks u can only go to ONE pharmacy. Pretty ridiculous IMO! I'm sure Walgreens or w/e would have brand Percocet. Why don't u call and ask just to see if they do?

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Re: MeJane (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

let me know if u can get name brands. I was told they were $1400 but when I went to pick they didn't have. bs

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Re: painnnn (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens has the t194 most Walgreens do anyway I can't speak for once in every state but I know all the places been I'm hurting I'm on here every where is Walgreens that I'm reading

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