Synalgos Dc Search (Page 3)
UpdatedWe are trying to find Synalgos, which my wife has taken for over 30 years for migraine management.
A few years ago it went off the market and returning 4 years later under a different manufacturer.
We have just been notified that it will once again become unavailable. Why is it that this happens, and what if any options do we have?
We have tried numerous other meds but nothing works like Synalgos, which causes her little if any side effects.
A back order usually takes 4-5 weeks. I have a weird feeling on this
I just talked to a friend of mine who is a Pharmacist at Walgreens. he said that Synalgos is unavailable and that Caraco is misleading us about this medication being available soon. The FDA stopped them from manufacturing pharmaceuticals on September 1, 2009 because of poor quality control. I knew something was wrong because it has been 6 months since we started discussing this. I guess we need to move on without this medication.
Marvin. Please call any pharmacy and find out if they compound medications. I live in a mid sized town and several Walgreens do compound medications. Do a googgle check. There is no reason why a pharmacist can't put the ingrediants for synalgos DC together..In our yellow pages there is a medical-Deantal pharmacy that compounds and they compound discontinued medications. Another thought is there are some LEGAL European Pharmacies that you can get dihydrocodeine from with your doctors written prescription..I have used on and it is called MastersMarketing. It is in Great Briton, and I have gotten prescriptions from them b4. They are legal and they do carry dihydrocodeine..I hope this helps..
Any update on Synalgos?
Great news. I got this email today from Caraco Pharmaceuticals today!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Good Afternoon Marvin,
We will have product on March 22nd. You can inform your pharmacy that they can order it from their wholesaler & the product will have a new
NDC # 49708-0419-88.
Best Regards,
Caraco Clozapine Distribution System/Customer Care
1-800-818-4555 - ext. 4297
fax: 1-313-871-8314
Good Afternoon Marvin,
We will have product on March 22nd. You can inform your pharmacy that they can order it from their wholesaler & the product will have a new
NDC # 49708-0419-88.
Best Regards,
Caraco Clozapine Distribution System/Customer Care
1-800-818-4555 - ext. 4297
I don't mean to be this blunt, but has anyone read any of my posts?? YOU CAN GET THIS MEDICATION FROM A PHARMACY THAT DOES COMPOUNDING, WHICH IS MOST.. I just feel like no one wants to do any footwork, all they want to do is say I cant get it.. Phone book, or website yellow pages will give you pharmacies and phone numbers
Pat you are correct, but some insurance companies do not cover any compounded drug. I know mine dosen't Ive been through that before with a special compounded med my wife was prescribed that cost over $370 for 30 day supply.
Compounded Synalgos is $167,00 Name brand cost me $40 through insurance. So far her migraines have been far and few, hopefully synalgos will be available soon.
I emailed caraco about 2 weeks ago and told them about their numerous availability dates. I also told them to be truthful so I'd know wherther working with Caraco was wasting my time. No reply as of yet
Thanks Dan I know at least you were listening to me. It just get frustrating when I try to help and I don't get feedback, I just wanted to help is all, and I am so sorry that Synalgos is the only medication that works for her, Narcotics make my migraines worse I can only take Imetrex (thank God for samples) Anyway, I hope she gets relief soon..Only in the US does medicine cost like this, I mentioned before that I take doxipen for depression in the US 60 caps cost me $30.00 that legal online pharmacy I talked about, Masters Marketing they cost #10.00 for 60 caps..
has anyone actually received any synalgos?
Admittedly I was surprised to find so many others that value this drug as much as I do. I was actually able to get a bottle of 100 synalgos in Decembe 2009 because after speaking to the customer representative from Caraco I was told that they still had some short dated product that my pharmacist could order. Just this week I began checking again to see if Caraco had made the Synalgos available again and the Caraco representative told me that they had it available to be shipped. After three more conversations with her, three conversations with my Walgreen and Kroger pharmacists I was told that their wholesaler, Cardinal Wholesalers, informed them it was unavailable. This after the customer representative from Caraco continued to assert that it was. I then called Cardinal Wholesalers myself and low and behold reached a very sympathetic and helpful representative that finally place the order for Walgreens for me and my pharmacist said it should be her within the week. According to Caraco and Cardinal you pharmacist needs to tell their wholesaler to place a Drop Ship order for this product. Since I did get the short dated product in December I do believe I will get it this time. To everyone trying to get this medication I encourage you to be persistant.
Frustrated, finally someone who didn't give up!! I buy all of my prescriptions at Walgreens, and even though when you check for Synalgos DC it doesn't come up, don't give up, click dihydrocodeine and you will find synalgos DC under different names. I am having major dental surgery and at least for me vicodin is useless for pain control, so I am going to ask my dentist to have it compounded exacally like it was B4 they messed with it..I have a bad liver so I don't use tylenol, and I know aspirn causes bleeding, so maybe I can get a coumpound with motrin, Also years ago promethazine was added to control the nausea that dihyrocodeine may cause, and they took that out, Someone mentioned that compounded medications are too exspensive, well maybe it is. but I would rather pay for something that is going to help me instead of getting vicodin that is IMHO worthless, plus for me, it isn't a prescription I will need to have all of the time, so paying more once or twice is worth it because this drug is really the besy pain medication out there, it is IMO better than even percocett..Hope this helps
FYI, another solution for those who are cash poor like me, I remember years ago my friend was on medicaide and it didn't pay for synalgos DC, so her doctor wroter her a prescription for codeine, promethazine, and told her to take aspirin with it, and I remember that she said it was exacally the same, great pain relief, and the promethazine took away any itching, nausea etc,,,
SYNALGOS DC is available. Just got my prescription filled! The company had to regroup and now is making it. If one drug store says they cant get it for you...try ANOTHER drug store. That is what I did. Find a drugstore that cares. CVS wouldn't help me. Went to my local family owned drugstore and they got it..go figure? IT IS NOW AVAILABLE! Thanks to all for the previous info. I almost gave up till I found this thread. GOOD LUCK!
FYI: I just contacted Caremark, and they say it is available through their mail order services, which I use, so maybe you can get it at CVS now, also, as Caremark and CVS are related companies.
May 27, 2011
I just researched the drug Trezix manufactured by WraSer Pharmaceuticals. It is FDA approved and is on the market. It is similar to Synalgos DC. The ingredients in Synalgos DC are 354.4 mg. of asprin ,16 mg. dihydrocodeine bitartrate and 30 mg of caffine. Trezix has 30 mg. of codeine, same as tylenol #3. # 3 means 30 mg's. I looked it up on the codeine schedule. It has 354.4 mg. of acetaminophen instead of l6 mg. of asprin that Synalgos has and I believe it has 5 mg. of hydrocodone. But double check this last ingredient on the internet. It is worth talking to your doctor about. Good luck to all of you and I hope this helps you. I am definitely going to my doctor with all the information I collected on the internet about ingredients in Synalgos and Trezix. Be sure to look everything up before you go to your doctor.
God Bless and I hope you get relief from your excrusiating pain as I am hoping to.
God Bless
Joe Ann
If I recall correctly, Panalor is available in Mexico without an RX. Unless it has changed....
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