Synalgos-DC Forums
Recently active Synalgos-DC forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Synalgos-DC and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Has anyone heard anything new on the availability? 9/2011 ## No, there have been no indications of this product being put back on the market. It contained Aspirin, Caffeine and Dihydrocodeine. Have you spoken to your doctor about trying an alternative?
We are trying to find Synalgos, which my wife has taken for over 30 years for migraine management. A few years ago it went off the market and returning 4 years later under a different manufacturer. We have just been notified that it will once again become unavailable. Why is it that this happens, and what if any options do we have? We have tried numerous other meds but nothing works like Synalgos, which causes her little if any side effects. ## We need to get this back on the market. It is the only medicine that works for my cluster headaches. I tried other narcotics and they make me very spacy. we need to get this back on the market. ## In reply to your comments on Synalgos DC. i have been on this drug for 30 to 35 yrs. It's the only drug that works.I am looking ieverywhere for it....
Has everyone given up on contacting Caraco Labs, the manufacturer of Synalgos-DC? We have called several times but most recently, all we can get is in answering machine. Prior to the answering machine, a woman took the calls and each time we spoke, she gave a different date as to when Caraco would be marketing this wonderful pain medication. Our pharmacist tells us that every night when he sends in his orders, Synalgos-DC is always on the list. I think he has given up, too, for he hasn't tried to call in a couple of weeks. When I checked, the medication is still listed. Does anyone have any recent news about what's going on with this medication? ## Our local Walgreen's says it should be off of backorder about 2/1/10. We'll see. ## Well,, my pharmacist says the co...
Hello, I have been taking Synalgos DC for about 20 years and I also am suffering without it. I recently called Caraco Pharmaceuticals on March 29, 2010 and was told that the drug would be available to wholesalers this week and that pharmacies should be able to get it. I called my pharmacy and was told they do not see it yet. I am so frustrated. Like so many of you I can't wait to get this medication. It helps me so much. My doctor is giving me Tylenol with codeine which does nothing really for the pain. So frustrating! Keep calling because the last time I spoke to Caraco she said to me that she hopes that will have enough to go around which was this week March 29th because there is a demand for it. They acquired it from Mikart Pharmaceuticals in Atlanta, Georgia I was told by Caraco...
36 Pat Says: Report Abuse Wednesday, 1/13/2010 6:25:12 PM I got some information that may help some of you. I am having major dental surgery, and for pain, I think Vicodin is useless, so I was thinking about asking for Synalgos DC. I have done research. There are several companies besides Caraco that offer Dihydrocodeine. PanAmerican Pharmacuticals offers Panlor DC And Panlor SS. Purdue Pharmacuticals offers DHC Plus Capsules, Zerlor tablets are made by Zerxis Pharmacuticals. I also wrote an E Mail to Caraco asking them what the problem was, I told them where I live and when and if they were going to stock the medication. I also asked why they have in their product list if they aren't offering it. I will let you know if I hear anything back. This Caraco Pharmacutical doesn't see...