Switching From Loestrin 24 Fe To Lomedia (Page 4)
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I am one of the customers unhappy with the discontinuation of Loestrin 24 Fe. I saw so many negative reviews with those who switched to Minastrin that I refused to take it despite what my nurse was trying to say. I researched and knew a generic was coming. I have waited since October of last year for Lomedia and picked up my prescription and pills 3 weeks ago. I still haven't taken them because I'd like to know about the experience on these pills. Has anyone taken Lomedia? Please share your experience so we can all be informed.

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I'm on the last week of my first pack with lomedia 24 fe. I haven't experienced much changes from the loestrin...however, I still wish they'd bring loestrin 24 back. If anything, I've noticed a little bit of a break out (could be a result of stress) and a little bit of a change in my appetite. Since loestrin 24 has been discontinued, I've tried Minastrin and Junel - BOTH were TERRIBLE!!!! I can safely say that lomedia 24 is nothing like the 2 previous birth controls I've taken and it is definitely the best out of the 3. I haven't had my cycle yet, so I'm hoping it doesn't change much - with loestrin 24, I'm used to an extremely light, 3 day period. With Minastrin and Junel, I cramped and bled for a full week. No thanks! Lomedia is worth a try if you love Loestrin 24.

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I am one week into my second pack, i am edgy, moody, suffering break-outs, bloating. Just misery, I spent hours last night researching alternatives, i wish they would bring back lo-estrin 24fe, was on it for 7 years and had no problems.

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Hello, Kimmie! How are you?

From what I can find, there is no difference better the Lomedia and LoEstrin FE, the active ingredients and the dosages are the same. The FDA has approved it as a generic equivalent, so you shouldn't have any problems with it.

Has anyone actually tried it, yet?

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