Switching From A Pump To Orenitram
UpdatedI'm starting on Orenitram on Monday aftering being on a pump. Scared but ready to try. Praying it is as successful as the pump has been.
2 Replies
Hello, Becca! How are you doing?
Orenitram is most commonly used to pulmonary arterial hypertension, it may also improve the ability to exercise for those suffering from PAH.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, diarrhea, headache, and stomach pain.
Ref: Orenitram Information
Is your doctor planning to taper you off the pump, and onto the new medication, or just do a clean switch?
Made my switch to oral Orenitram successfully. Was in the ICU for five days and have had a few manageable side effects. Now starting my 4th week and so far it's been OK. I love showering with no port to contend with and not having that pump around my waist is so freeing!
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