Swelling In Legs And Feet Levothyroxine (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I just started taking Levothyroxine 2 wks ago my legs and feet are swollen so bad by nite I can barley walk. They go down a little at nite but swell back. I am taking 25mcg and I am afraid to continue taking this med. Has any one else had this problem?

138 Replies (7 Pages)

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That sounds well and dandy, but if you live in NY State, try and find an MD or Nurse Practitioner who will prescribe natural thyroid! If they do, I guarantee you, the insurance company refuses to pay for it and if it's avail., how much do you pay out of pocket? I tried getting a script from my MD yrs. back for Armour thyroid. He wrote it and my pharmacy said insurance refused to cover it and they could not get it! So I'm stuck with levothyroxine.

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Re: Maura (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

RLC labs website has a list of Dr's who prescribe and pharmacies where you can get it. My insurance covers it. I am very sorry you have such bad insurance. It is not super expensive, so maybe you could pay yourself. I did that for several years when I had no insurance.

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Re: Marilyn (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Almost all levothyroxine have fillers in them that you could be allergic to. Except the 50mg or mcg tablet (find out first). It’s the only one with no fillers. Your Dr. could give you 50-50-50 with the last 50 cut in half to make 125mg. So then you’ll know after awhile if it’s the fillers bothering you! Good luck!

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Re: mamabear72 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I had the same thing and finally my Doc put me on nature thyroid, but after about 5 or 6 weeks my left leg swelled up twice the size of the right one and the shin from the ankle up the calf was hard and looked like alligator skin. I figured it was because im allergic to pork! I don’t convert T4 to T3 so I stopped the T4 my Doc prescribed and just took 5 T3 a day with the supervision of another professional, and meantime my Doc had ordered a home blood test for me before, which showed after the T3 all of my levels were compliant with the ranges that they should be, except the T4 that I wasn’t taking, but that didn’t matter. All the swelling in my feet, ankles, and legs subsided dramatically, after 10 days on the T3, but my Doc would not prescribe the T3 even after seeing my results, saying he didn’t think it was safe! I have been in misery for thirty years with the T4 and he was insisting that I take levothyroxine T4. I refused and went without anything again for 10 days but then got some T3 and tried again 3-5mcg’s morning and 2-5mcg’s bedtime and now the alligator skin has been slowly disappearing from the calf down the ankle. I had about 10-12 inches of that skin and now only about 5 inches! But he’s still insisting on T4 and that I won’t take. Good luck to you! If you find a way to get T3 legally in this country, please let me know! Thank you!

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I just started this med about 3 weeks ago. My feet and hands, as well as most of my body is swollen. It becomes hard to walk and use my hands. Most of my body aches all the time. Any suggestions?

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Levothyroxine is poison. In 2010, I had a thyroidectomy. My doctor that handled my case among others was an endocrinologist. The only thing that she could think is Levo and TSH. If the numbers were into the range that they look for, they counted everything else unimportant. One night while out, my whole body went into spasms and I could not get up out of my seat. I was in excruciating pain. The next day, I got on the computer and researched until I found a thyroid forum whose only purpose was to get people off of levo. Do yourself a favor and buy two books, by the same person who suffered for years. It is life changing. If you ever want a quality life you will have to get off of levo and Synthroid, and on 'Naturethroid'. That is a natural medicine which gives you everything that your own thyroid gives you. Read the books: STOP THE THYROID MADNESS BY JANIE A. BOWTHORPE, M.E.d.

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Re: Sandra (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I was put on levothyroxin And after 2 weeks my feet were so swollen and sore. I went to the doctor and he said there is no way that we causes swelling but I ask him to change it to a natural kind which he did my question is my feet are not nearest well in a say where but they still hurt will that ever go away

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Re: Maura (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor did give me nature throid and my insurance doesn't pay for it but it was only like $26 for 3 month supply at Walmart

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Re: N in NJ (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

How long did it take for the pain and swelling to go away? After 2 weeks my feet swelled up so badd and hurt really badd to my doctor put me on a natural thyroid and my feet are not as badd but they still hurt this is after one week on the new thyroid medication

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Re: mamabear72 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

First I want to ask, are you taking thyroid meds the morning of your blood tests? This will definetly raise the TSH and the T4 levels! Also, have they checked your Free T3 thyroid hormone and the two thyroid antibodies? These are the most important! TSH and T4 levels are usually the only ones the dr checks. This is critical to debilitating symptoms of pain, fatigue and depression. If anyone taking Levo or synthroid feels awful, read about T3. Check out "stopthethyroidmadness".

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I AM TAKING 100 MCG.AND causing swelling after standing about 5 hours what should I do

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I began taking 25mg of Levothyroxine a month ago and feet and ankles swell as soon as I get up in the AM..I can hardly put my shoes on. They go down over night but you can still see a little puffiness and they still feel tight...very uncomfortable

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I’m on 175mg of Levothyroxine and really can’t see any benefit my energy levels have not rissen my weight has not decreased and the bottom of my legs and feet are swollen, I will be going back to the doctors shortly

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Re: Diana (# 124) Expand Referenced Message

I have the very same problem...my doctor said no way does Levothyroxine cause this..however it didn't start until I began taking these pills..now after 3 months my blood tests shows a high level of uric acid..thats odd because I'm a vegetarian...my problems began with these pills

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My legs and feet are both huge. I take 175 MCG a day. I started taking this about 2 weeks ago after stopping levothyroxine for loss of taste and a horrible smell that permeates my whole being. I had a total thyroidectomy 5/2/18. Can anyone help?

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Legs and ankles r huge and bad taste in my mouth that is obnoxious. I cannot taste anything that I used to. Have no ability to smell anything. Had total thyroidectomy 5/2/18. Been on levothyroxine 175mcg and then levoxyl. Legs r worse-HUGE!

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when i first started taking levothyroxine my feet and ankles swelled badly. Like, I had to untie my very comfortable tennis shoes completely to get through the day. I switched to Synthroid and had no problem. Since they are the same thing, I am guessing there is something in the filler of the generic that was causing the swelling. Maybe switch from the generic to the name brand?

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Re: Missy Jordan (# 136) Expand Referenced Message
they don't make Levoxyl anymore. too bad I was on it for yrs. and preferred that to the current......

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