Swelling In Legs And Feet Levothyroxine (Page 2)


I just started taking Levothyroxine 2 wks ago my legs and feet are swollen so bad by nite I can barley walk. They go down a little at nite but swell back. I am taking 25mcg and I am afraid to continue taking this med. Has any one else had this problem?

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I have been on levothyroxine since I was 7, now 32. About 7 years ago I stated getting abnormal swelling in my ankles and then my knees. I was passed around doctor to doctor ALL saying "stay on your thyroid meds, your levels are normal. Now I was just diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitous and am finding a lot of other people with hypo thyroid have it as well. My question is, could it be caused by the meds or by the hypothyroidism??? No one seems to know. I want to go off my meds but am afraid of what's going to happen...

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I would not recommend going off your meds. Not sure what you are taking but you can find a doctor that is willing to try a different medication. You should also be checked for Hashimoto thyroiditis if you have never been tested. Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. It differs from regular hypothyroidism in that your hormones fluctuate. Test for thyroid antibodies.

Also I recommend going gluten and dairy free. I used to have severe leg swelling and redness before my diagnosis of Hashimoto. I actually told my doctor to test me for it because of all my different symptoms and food and drug sensitivities. I switched from levothyrixine to tirosint because levothyrixine contsins lactose in the inactive ingredients and that was causing me swelling all over. Still not 100 percent better 6 weeks later but my legs are good most days.

Good luck!

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Yes my legs and feet are so swollen they feel like they are going to bust

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l believe levothyroxine is poison to my system and have stopped it on a regular basis but I do not know what else to do and we need to know what the fillers are in the pill and was it made in foreign countries.

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Thanks I was going to the dr. You told me too and my husband took me and my dr left we ask her to do upper and lower because I'm bleeding from my bowel I told her I had 4 strokes she said no go tell my obgyn that she will not do that even though they found paulista on my colon and took them off three times she is a hard dr to try to talk with I told my nurse so she is gonna try and get me another dr thanks for all your news

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Thyroid generic medication in my opinion is not properly monitored by the us government food and drug dept.

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It has deffinately has to be this Levothyroxine until 3 weeks ago i never suffer from swollen lower legs and now every day my feet are swollen and tight it even hurts to walk laying down and you can feel the tightnes n painfulness. I was prescribed this 3 weeks ago and was told to take on empty stomach every morning with a glass of water. But the tightness n pain in my legs afe making me worried. Dr cant come tell me its not this pill because i have never once complained about swollen legs or feet ever and now as soon as i start taking this pill im swollen.

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I get tight feelings in my chest and left shoulder and ankle on left foot is more swollen than right. I think my generic thyroid med messed my body up and my legs ache. I skip taking the med on regular basis.

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Be sure you are paying attention to salt intake when you experience leg swelling and also frequency of alcohol intake. These can partially contribute to leg swelling.

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When I was 26 I had a partial thyroid removal which was caused by an adenoma snd eventually I had the radioactive treatment as the level became three times normal and did not take thyroid hormone and was headed toward a coma. A myxedema coma and had to quick get on thyroid med. This type coma is usually fatal
Now I am having adverse reaction to thyroid med. Swollen feet and ankles and red like color which is also causing my lower legs to be enlarged and swollen.


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i read on here last week of somebody switching to taking this at night before bed and i tried it and have been taken them at night instead now my legs are not as tight during the day they dont hurt to walk they get a little swollen but not noticeable at all. i do still have all the joint pain still but feel better during the day as my feet and legs dont bother me now hope it stays like this because if it takes the 3 months for my body to adjust to this meds i dont know if i will be able to hold on the pain in the joints are bad

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My swelling goes from bad to worse and today its worse with red skin and tight skin over lower part of legs. My walking is a chore and if I skip the thyroid med I am life less. I believe the med is made in a foreign country and I think I should get off generic and use synthroid at least.

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I am now taking thyroid med at night to see any improvement.

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My left ankle is very swollen and the right one not as bad. Today I bought some. Folic Acid as I had been told to take it for arthritis but have not used it for a year.. I am taking my thyroid med at night. Yesterday I could hardly get up off a chair as due to swelling in legs and feet so I used Aleve which stopped the awful pain as my feet hurt to walk. I Am still on levothyroxine?

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I had lymph nodes removed on my left area of left breast and a lumpectomy and I think that may be a partial reason my left ankle is worse than the right with more swelling but I attribute most of leg and ankle swelling to levothyroxine.

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With all of this I have a nodule related to my thyroid and I can feel it just lately I believe. I is located on the left side but higher


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I have been taking low 25.mg of thryoid meds for about four weeks. For the last two weeks the swelling has increased so much I can hardly get on shoes on.

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I am now using synthroid, can't say a great improvement.

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Thyroid problems can most certainly contribute to leg swelling. It is one of the manifestations of myxedema and a well known problem of hypothyroid. I have been having some of the same issues being off thyroid medication for a couple of years. I am not a fan of Synthroid. Most physical medicine specialists, integrative MDs and Naturopathic MDs will use either desiccated thyroid or a bio-identical compounded med. We need both T3 and T4. Often those with hypothyroid have difficulty converting the T4 to the bioactive T3. I just read an excellent article. Here is the link. It explains many of the potential manifestations of hypothyroid.


Hope this helps.

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Did they decrease your dosage or increase it?

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