Susten 200 (progesterone) Soft Gelatin Capsules For Oral Use (Page 4)
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I'm a mother of a child and planning for a second. My gynec prescribed me susten 200 to be taken for 3 months. I just want to know what are its do's n donts, its effect on my health and future conceiving as my periods are irregular? I took it for 4 days as my doc told me, then my period started. Now after two days I'm getting two three drops of blood. Just help me out.

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i had iui in this week & doctor suggested me to take Strone-200 capsules three times daily through vagina. Pls advise me what is percentage of success in iui.

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this capsule is used to sustain the pregnancy & avoid miscarriage. So all doctors suggested it for safety & to support pregnancy.

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I am 26 yrs old. I am trying to conceive. Doctor prescribed me to take progestrone soft gelatin capsule 200 mg from day 17 to day 27 twice in a day. For what purpose this tablet have to take? Is this increase the chance of conceiving?

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on 45th day of pregnancy dr has prescribed progesterone capsules .why,what is the use, what is its indications

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my periods has been so irregular since last 4 to 5 months, at certain point i haven't got for three months and i visited doctor. doctor tested for pregnency and result was negtive and prescribed susten 200 orally for 5 days and once stop i got my periods..but again next month same problem ...wht is the remedy for this irregular periods and how long should i use tablets to promote periods? pls help

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how effective can an iui be
will susten soft gel capsules help?

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i had an iui done and my doctor prescribe susten 100 twice daily will this be helpful and how????

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does susten 200 cause side effects ?

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I'm pregnant for 7 weeks.but my baby has the growth of only 5 weeks.also having a bit brown discharge doctor prescribed susten 200.please explain me why is this for?
I'm 23 and this is my first baby.

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My wife has been using Progesterone Soft Gelatin Capsules - 200 MG.She wants to use it orally(by mouth) It is of ofwhite in colour (packing), can she use the same capsule in vagina also. how to use.Please advice regarding these 2 queries.

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im 3 months doctor has adviced to use susten 200 tablets for vaginal use..what is the function of it??is it painful if i insert it into vagina??will there be any side effects??plz advice regarding these queries..

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I am 34 years and I am pregnant of 3months. My first baby born on 2000. After 1.5 years we make a D&C. Now my doctor prescribed me Eva Soft or Susten 200 tablet at night in daily basis after meals at the begining of my pregnancy. Also prescribed the iron and calcium tablets. All tablets are continuing till now. what are the benefits of this tablet.

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I am 26 yeras and trying for pregnancy, my follicles rupture at 15mm or 16mm size, is there chances for pragnancy. My docter suggested me to take progesterone Soft Gelatin Capsules through vargina. What is the use of this capsules?

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my wife pregnent for one and half month and now we need to abort it so will she take projesterone susten 200 tab?any side effects?

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my wife now 3 months pregnent by mistake she eat susten200, any problom if eating this drug im worried pleas replay me

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I am pregnant and this is my 6th month, my doctor has advised me to take susten 200, please advice what this is used for and is it safe to use it until this stage.

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i amtwo months pregnant my doc has advd susten200 cap n inj twice a day n twice a week resp. bt i exp a lot of acidity after hvng it.can u tell me the side effects????

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iam pregnant and my doctor has avised me to take sustane 100 mg i want to know that is it effective in pregnancy or not ?

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In my 1st month of Pregnancy Doc has prescribed me Susten 200 mg I'm 34 and had a Miscarriage and fibroid in uterus

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My wife has been using Progesterone Soft Gelatin Capsules - 200 MG.She wants to use it orally(by mouth) It is of ofwhite in colour (packing), can she use the same capsule in vagina also. how to use.Please advice regarding these 2 queries.

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