Surprise! Oc/80's Are Back!?
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Walgren's gave me the bad OP/80's last month and told me that's all that would be available from now on. My doctor let me try hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and MsContin. All with either negative side effects or ineffectiveness. I gave up on all replacements and asked doctor to put me back on Oxycontin 80. When I went to Walgrens, they asked if I wanted generic. I told them that I heard there is no generic. They said they have them again. The manufacturer is ETHEX, (which based on other posts here is owned by Purdue). I would suggest anyone stuck with new OP/80 oxycontin should ask Pharm. if they have generic Oxycodone ER by Ethex. You might be pleasantly surprised!!!

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I recently saw an OC 80 - darker green than the OP. Are these real. I have heard that the original formula (OC) was still being produced. it just can't be sold in the U.S. Could this pill be the real thing or should I assume it is a fake?

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As I said in the original post, over a month ago the pharm. said they were out when they gave me half OC and the other half OP. More must have been shipped to the pharm. recently.

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If they have the OC on them, there are not made by Ethex, they are made by Purdue and are not the generic. Some places still have a small stock of these around, but according to Purdue, once they are gone, no more will be made.

I am glad that you found some to help you, but, for some reason, there have been several pharmacies having people think there are pills marked with the O.C. that are made by Ethex and they aren't.


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