Suprep Reviews (Page 37) (Top voted first)


Has anyone used the new SUPREP kit before a colonoscopy?

Would like any comments about taste, ease or side effects.


754 Replies (38 Pages)

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I used a straw and held my nose for the first dose and got it down ok but it did tast horrible. HORRIBLE. The second dose was to be done at 3am. I managed to drink the prep and the first bottle of water, but then a lot of it came up.

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My kit cost $75! Insurance paid $53! $128 for 2 small bottles(6 oz each) & 1 plastic cup! Outrageous! And horrible taste!

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i just drank my first dose a few minutes ago it was awful tasting ive had one other that tasted worse but its right up there with that one....thank god only have to do this every 5 yrs.. 2 am its gonna taste even worse im sure..Bleck eck

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Sounds like you had an allergic reaction. The only discomfort I've found was the taste.

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immediately following the colonoscopy, you must eat VERY nourishing food and take a multivitamin and eat a banana to get your potassium levels back up

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just curious if they were able to do it for you. I am so sick to my stomach after the first dose and I am not sure how I will be after the second dose.

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I took the first dose as directed at 8 PM. Bitter, salty, fruity, chemical tasting. Not pleasant but bearable. I used warm water because I had throat surgery a week and a half ago. And then I BRUSHED MY TEETH. It totally removes the after taste. Drank the plain water watching tv. By 8:37, I went to the bathroom, and had impressive results considering I have been on semi solid food for ten days. I just stayed in there for about half an hour then came in to lay down. I will get up again when done with this post. I got adult diapers and diaper rash ointment and was all ready for this crazy situation, and this has been so manageable. Tomorrow morning, will do the same thing. Then off to the center at 1pm. I have had no cramping, no gas, no discomfort.

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Part of the theory behind Suprep might be to cut down on total gag time. For the sake of argument, let's make the assumption that you will gag equally as bad on Suprep as on Miralax. Suprep requires a total of 32 oz. to be drank. Miralax requires 1 gallon, or 128 oz to be drank. 128/32 = 4. Therefore, Suprep, as bad as it might be, reduces total gag time by a factor of 4. Of course, this analysis is based on simple assumptions. One might gag more on Suprep than Miralax. If this is factored in, then the formula would have to adjust for this. Let's make the assumption that you gag twice as bad on Suprep than on Miralax. if so, the formula would have to be adjusted as follows: (0.5) X (128/32) = 2. We could call the "2" the tolerance factor, i.e., to what degree Suprep is more tolerant to you than Miralax. In this case, Suprep is twice as tolerant as Miralax. But everyone is different. Using the aforementioned formula, it is theoretically possible that Miralax could be equally or more tolerant to someone than Suprep. For the formula to be valid, the individual would have to try both Suprep and Miralax. But even if you didn't try Miralax, the lower quantity of Suprep has to work in your favor to some degree. So when taking Suprep, as bad as it may taste to you, the alternatives could be worse when everything is factored in. In subjective terms, what it comes down to in the end is which is the lesser of the evils.

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I think your friend should see a doctor. Could be a psychological problem.

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Tasted pretty bad but didn't think it was as bad as some here said - lol. It took me a bit more than 5 hours for this to work but guess it was 5 less hours of misery. It did work fine. I would use it again.

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Mine would've been $80, I refused and called office and got a free sample and my sisters insurance covered hers completely.

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I agree...the worst part of the process was feeling "chilled to the bone" which I was not expecting. No real discomfort otherwise and the water chaser did a good job with eliminating an after taste.

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Poison, pure and simple and as if taking that stuff which takes abuse to a whole other level, the only thing it "produced" was further abuse by the Doc and the staff.
Assigning all the blame on me, the patient, accusing me of NOT completing the procedure ( I did complete). Never went back to that practice and later used another that did not use SUPREP. All went well. Amen!!

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The Suprep kit contains sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate and potassium sulfate, it is used for bowel preparation.

It basically works as a laxative.

I can't think that combo would taste very well, though I have never used it.

The most common listed side effects are: cramping, nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.

Does anyone else have anything to add?

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Hi, I posted weeks ago; spent 4 days really ill from the first bottle of this poison. I think that cancer is maybe preferable; no, it isn't. You will be well, my friend, just hang in there; I couldn't take it, but I pray that all goes well for you. Blessings to you.

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Over Priced. Outrageous $72.12 from Walgreens
No wonder our medical insurance is so high.
The taste was bad enough.Just drink it fast because of the terrible odor. Was it made in China? Told my doctor never give it to me again. He got the message.

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You probably did not follow the instructions. I bet you had more than a light breakfast.

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I took the suprep at 530 pm and I became sick as a dog. I felt like I as to throw up andi had intense stomach cramps and chills. It is now 6 hours later and still no bowel movement. Has anyone else had this problem?

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I had an allergic reaction to Sulpha years ago, will it be ok to use SUPREP? The last time I had a colonoscopy I used a bottle of over the counter enemies, recommended by my dr. worked ok. Hope this drink works much better. Praying tomorrow's colonoscopy has better results than the last one. A good friend of mine past away with Colon Cancer so i wish you all the best!

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