Suprep Reviews (Page 36) (Top voted first)


Has anyone used the new SUPREP kit before a colonoscopy?

Would like any comments about taste, ease or side effects.


754 Replies (38 Pages)

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It's 3am and I just chugged my second dose of suprep, again mixing it into the Propel bottle...a bit more difficult at this hour but I got it down in under a minute. Chased it with a bit of chicken broth and now working on two more bottles of water. For some reason it's much easier for me to drink copious amounts of water from a bottle as opposed to a cup. One more bottle to go....feeling a little nauseous ,,,having some ginger ale to calm my tummy and walking around a bit. Hope this doesn't take too long....I want to get back to sleep! More to follow...

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It's 6:55am and I'm leaving for my colonoscopy. Didn't get much sleep after the second round...maybe a half hour. Hope I'm down 1 1/2 lbs!

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I too had a horrible headache after the first bottle and chills so back my teeth were chattering. I got almost all the way through the second bottle and i started projectile vomiting which lasted an hour and made the headache worse. Had my colonoscopy/endoscopy this morning at 8 and still am feeling ill at 6:30pm so I went online to see what others had to say. After reading some posts on here it is good to know i am not alone in my reactions and I also think I figured out why I got such a horrible headache - Suprep contains Splenda! Had I known this before hand I would have asked for another method as I cannot tolerate any artificial sweeteners without getting ill.

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I just completed the Suprep preparation and had a very bad experience with it. I took it exactly as instructed and got very bloated and severe abdominal cramps. NO stool at all. This was at 4:15 pm. I took the second dose at 10 pm and that is when the fun started. I became very nauseous and began to throw up, have shaking chills, feel faint and severe cramps that brought me to tears. Finally, once I started passing watery stool, I got relief from the intense cramping that had started at 4:30, continued and worsened until about I do not think from reading this site that this is typical.

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I'd say it wasn't at all typical. But if you felt faint (I assume it didn't happen) it does point out the high desirability of having someone else in the house that's able to keep track of you. I didn't think of it at the time, but I wouldn't have done it if my wife hadn't been home, just for the comfort it brings.

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A correction to my first message. I was told three to five YEARS, not months, before the next colonoscopy if the polyps are clear. :-)

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OK first round down, wasn't too bad.

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Did anyone else get hemorrhoids from this experience? It's more painful than the prep!

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I had mine at 12:30 p.m. and was told to do the second bottle at 6:00 a.m. the morning of the colonoscopy. I had over an hour's drive, so I was a little nervous that I would still be running to the toilet, but I did fine.

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I could get it down and it worked in about the right time. I just wish I knew which was more important, keeping it down or drinking all the water afterwards. If I try to drink all the water within an hour I will vomit for sure! I wish there was someone to ask!

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well literally after first dose -- water pouring out of me all night every hour or so. Just got up at 3:15 a.m. to finish second dose. Is water going to be pouring out at the colonoscopy too? A little nervous about that. Also had chills and turned the heat way up on the first round, and now waiting to see how this second round goes.

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This is my first Colonoscopy Prep so I have very little to compare it to. Drank the SUPREP last night and again this morning (just about 30 min ago). I was prepared for the worst. It is really not bad at all. I kept it in the fridge for the week prior so it was icey cold. Mixed with gatorade and drank it down. I found it to be a lot like the cough syrup in taste although it was hard to taste. It worked predictably and without too much upset. I do have the chills as someone said above. I would recommend it to anyone for their next procedure. Keep it cold - mix with gatorade or something pleasant and good luck.

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I posted last night before my colonoscopy. I did not like this prep at all. It tasted awful, awful. I still have a mild headache, 27 hours after the first dose. It took forever for me to fall asleep last night so I only had 4 hours sleep before it was time to wake up for the second dose. I also had some feelings of anger and rage. I don't know if others have had this experience with this prep but I thought I would share just in case my experience was atypical. Waiting 10-12 hours knowing you have to drink that stuff again is not fun at all! I had to urinate a lot during the waiting time at the hospital because I just drank 48 ounces of liquid. I kept having to get up to use the bathroom while we juggled my I.V. and I feared I would pee all over the table as soon as they put me under. It also requires a later arrival time for the procedure. I didn't go back until 11:00 a.m. I would have preferred an earlier time. My poor nurses paid the price because I was so cranky. I won't do this prep again and I hope that 10 years from now they have a better method. My brother is supposed to use this in two weeks. I will strongly advise against using this one.

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Took it 2 hours ago. Nothing yet...:)

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My doc advised me to take a bottle of magnesium citrate the first day. On the second day drink suprep with 16 ounces of water, plus two more 16 ounce bottles of water. On the day of the procedure drink the second dose with 16 ounces of water, plus 6 ounces of water. I wonder why I was advised to drink only 6 ounces of waterand not 32 ounces.

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The two pieces of advice that brought me the most comfort during the prep:

1) Have a means to keep warm - blankets, heating pads, hot water bottles, hats, etc.

2) Have someone there with you. I don't mean in the room, but someone you can call to should you need them.

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I just took the first dose and vomited after I drank it all and was able to drink the two glasses if water after before I threw up agaun. Will it still work? I don't feel like I threw it all up... It's only been just over an hour...

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I had that same exact problem!! After 2 tries of downing my original prescribed cleanse, my Dr. gave me Subprep for my 3rd attempt. I was only able to consume 1/3 of the night dose. After vomiting for 2 hours, I started to drink warm broth for the chaser. It helped tremendously!! But- not one bowel movement the WHOLE night. Called the advice nurse, & she suggested I continue with the a.m. dose. I only drank 1/4 of it- had one regular bowel movement before my procedure!! Dr. said I was completely cleaned & clear for the procedure!!!

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The best thing I can say about Suprep is that it works. Everything else about it is bloody awful. The taste was clawingly sweet/salty. I started my first dose at 4:00 pm as per instructions. I spent more time in the bathroom with this prep than I did for the the other two colonoscopy"s I've had. I can't remember the other two preps but they weren't as bad as Suprep. Besides the taste, I found it hard to get through the two 16oz bottles of water in an hour. Then the dread about the second dose kept me tossing and turning trying to get some sleep before the 2:30 am!! repeat. The second round was harder to get down than the first and started working almost immediately. Needless to say, no more sleep until the actual colonoscopy this morning at 8:00am. The BEST ADVICE I can give anyone no matter what kind of prep they use is to start the liquid diet two days before the procedure instead of the directed one day before. And even before that, eat a soft diet the day before the two day fast. I'm convinced that helps all preps work completely. My Dr. told me for the next one, we'll discuss using something else.

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I used Suprep before my last colonoscopy and was told that the lining of my colon was irritated and indicated that I had either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. I had no symptoms prior to this and have had none since. The nurse informed me that other patients had been surprised by the same diagnosis, after using Suprep. I refused any treatment for these conditions and suspect the colon lining was irritated by the Suprep. I will know more after my next colonoscopy, because I intend to use the Go Lightly prep, as I had no irritation noted in previous colonoscopies. I believe the diet restrictions, for 5 days prior to using the Suprep, are much harder to follow than just using the Go Lightly.

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