Suprep Reviews (Page 35) (Top voted first)


Has anyone used the new SUPREP kit before a colonoscopy?

Would like any comments about taste, ease or side effects.


754 Replies (38 Pages)

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Re: Aggravated Consumer (# 721) Expand Referenced Message

My wife developed psoriasis the next day after the prep

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Re: MO (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

You had cramps because of the plugger situation - you had a bunch of stuff up front with diarrhea pushing behind which causes a lot of pain

You were empty on second clean so that’s why it didn’t hurt

I know about pluggers because if IBS - can be so agonizing they drop your BP and give you cold sweats

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Just took the Suprep cocktail. Took the first dose at 6 pm on the prep day after being on the liquid fast. The stuff is sickening sweet. I walked around as I drank it while taking sips of water between large swigs. Finished the vile stuff in roughly 5-8 minutes. Downed the 32 ounces of water in about 15 minutes. I promptly got chills and decided to plant myself in the bathroom to see which end was going to erupt. My bottom won out. My eruption started about 25-30 minutes after I finished all of the prep and water. It was suprisingly quick. As others have said it was literally like peeing brown water. I was passing fairly clear water after about 45 minutes. I took the second dose around 4 am and passed nothing but clear water again. This stuff is nasty as Hell but it does the job.

BTW, colonoscopy results were all clear.

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30 minutes after first dose it all came back up , this is the 21st century people should be this difficult I'll prob have to reschedule

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Ok people, I'm posting this hoping I help at least one of you out there- all love. :)

First- IT'S NOT NEARLY AS BAD AS EVERYBODY SAYS! I have the weakest stomach ever, and the mix I'm about to tell you worked so well it actually became acceptable to drink.

Second- MIX WITH SPRITE or GINGER ALE - NOT WATER. I like Canada Dry and that worked quite well. This will turn it into a very close approximation of Diet Coke. (!) The sugar helps and the carbonation helps. Ginger happens to be a natural anti-nausea so that's a bonus for me. I happened to hate diet drinks but if that's the worst you have, you're golden.

Thirdly- MOST IMPORTANT - SIP, USE A STRAW AND DRINK SLOWWWW! Do NOT chug or rush like others may tell you. That is a mistake. I took almost 65 minutes to drink and I had no nausea at all. In fact I was excited to drink the additional 32oz of water you need to take!


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Re: CleverBunny (# 753) Expand Referenced Message

Was the 2nd bottle easier. Were there less bowel movements? How long did take to stop going to the bathroom?

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This is my 7th colonoscopy in 13 years. I've always used the Fleet's Phospho-Soda. This is my 1st time using Suprep. I managed to get down 8 of 16 ounces required and within minutes I was vomiting. I called my Doctor--he said there are other preps we could try, such as the go-lightly or there are also pills that I wasn't aware of.

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Response to LilMissSunshine...No, Osmoprep (sodium phosphate tablets) has not been pulled from the market but Visicol tablets have according to my doctor's office. Osmoprep was one of the options my doctor gave me as a prep option (Oct 2011).

But what I have learned from talking to another person is not to cut the tablets because it can possibly alter the absorption rate and I have also learned from an online opinion from porterc says “I also called Salix, mfg of Osmoprep, and their answer to could the pills be crushed was, "it hasnt' been tested it"

I think if you have any questions you should check with both your doctor and an Osmoprep representative.

What I have also learned from another online source is that you can swallow the pills with any clear liquid: ginger ale, apple juice, water, lemonade and that the tablets are tasteless and supposed to be well tolerated.

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I was scheduled to take my first bottle of suprep today at 6:00pm. I had it down by 6, and began chugging down my water. At 6:40 I was done with my water and had my first run to the toilet. The taste was very salty, funky. It was not so much the taste of the drink, it just didnt set well. It triggered my gag reflex, which I dont believe is super easy to do. I honestly do not know how I am going to force down the second bottle tomorrow. Having so much liquid in me, in such a short time, made me feel very bloated and uncomfortable. I have the chills, and I am nauseated, but I think it is mostly because I am just so full of water. As for the stomach cramps and b.m.s, its like normal diarrhea, its not comfortable, yes there are cramps, but its tolerable I suppose. I was very worried about it being even more painful. *I have not eaten in about 30 hours prior to taking this so keep that in mind*

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Drank the Suprep in two chugs. It didn't taste all bad. Kind of like a weak cough syrup flavor and certainly not as thick. Now I'm taking gulps of water every few minutes to get to the required 32 ounces in an hour. It's been about ten minutes so nothing as of yet.

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I took my first bottle of Suprep - couldn't do GoLytely again! After 45 minutes passed, I vomited all of it up. Was not pleasant and will never do that method again! I ended up taking Magnesium Citrate - taste was still bad but it didn't make me so ill!

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worst tasting stuff i have ever had in my life. only done the first dose and it was terrible, i used a lot of country time lemonade to dilute the taste .....but it still was crap haha gave me a headache too and chills, need to take the the second dose at 3 am ....not looking foward to it im only 18 hahah

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I wish that I had found this site before taking this prep. I had a normal colonoscopy, but really had a horrible time getting this prep down. My doctor's instructions were to take both doses, in the same evening. I had and continue to have abdominal pains so bad that I had to have an endoscopy about two weeks after the colonoscopy. I think the suprep is responsible for my continued problems. My pain is very high up, right in the middle (does not cross midline) and at times, is very severe. I have a hiatal hernia, which was diagnosed during the endoscopy, but I also had stomach and duodenal, as well as esophogeal irritation . I would bet my bottom dollar that it was due to the suprep, since it's a coincidence that I was fine prior to the colonoscopy and have not been the same since. I don't recommend it. I had taken the pills with the last colonoscopy, and although they gave me chills, I had no abdominal pain after I was emptied out. If you have a sensitive stomach, or are allergic to sucralose (splenda), I would not recommend this prep.

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POISION! I took first bottle w/water added, @ 5pm, took 16 oz water @ 5:20, second @ 5:40. At 5:41, no kidding I ran to vomit, drenched in sweat, ready to pass out, then all of the sudden it was like it changed course and I went from hanging over toilet to sitting on it, and it HIT ME @ 5:45, along with HORRIFIC LOWER ABDOMEN CRAMPS. I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS DYING! I couldn't be still, trying to ease the pain. I was crying, trying to handle it.
Husband try to reach my doctor, and couldn't. Hospital staff asvised to go to emergency room. My severe pain went on from 5:45 to 7:00, then gradually eased off. I am drinking water and staying in bath room. I don't think I will be taking the 2nd bottle in morning, three hours before scheduled colonoscopy. I can't go through that again! It was worse than giving birth. POISION!
I totally agree that dosage should depend on your weight. I am 105 pounds, or was before All HELL LET LOOSE! Be advised!

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I was very ill as well. (during the prep and in the hours after it) It contains an an artificial sweetener, which , if one is sensitive to it, can wreak havoc with one's system. I agree. The colonoscopy was a piece of cake. The prep was not.

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OK... my first suprep was done at 3:06. Within 20 minutes I was on the toilet. SO FAR this has been easy! HINT: I had a Apple Jolly Rancher sitting on the cabinet unwrapped. I drank my mixture very fast, I credit that to my college days of chugging beer!!! I immediately put the jolly rancher in my mouth. Filled my glass up with water and began to walk around and around my house. As I passed the water, I drank! I prepared my bathroom with my Ipad...Cell Phone and cordless home phone. I had a movie ready to push play on my Ipad. I sat on the toilet for about 20 - 30 minutes and let things happen! BTW I enjoyed my movie. Now 2 hours later I feel great and barely having to visit the bathroom. I sure hope my 2:00 a.m. dose goes as well!

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I agree it should be dose dependent. I am a smaller person (155lbs) and after the first dose my poop came flying out in a liquid manner in fact it even backsplashed onto the walls! Yuk. I did not take the 2nd bottle and I was fine the next day. Just make sure you have a liquid diet all day before the procedure and I started my drink around 8pm the night before, and drank some of the 2nd bottle but I dont think I needed to . good luck 249 peruvian

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Thanks for your post. after reading this, I am ready to give this SUPREP a try. my first colonoscopy and I've been told the prep is the worst.

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Let me begin by telling you that I'm a 60yr young, 5'2", 119 lb very fit woman. I took my first dose of surprep at 6pm. I emptied out 6oz of liquid from my black cherry Propel and poured the surprep into the bottle. I drank that down in a chugging fashion. It tasted like a watered down salty cough syrup. I then had a few spoons of chicken broth which totally removed the aftertaste. I than drank down two more bottles of Propel. At 7:40 I first visited the bathroom. On the throne for 8 minutes...back at 7:58 for 5 more minutes. Will update later as the evening progresses. Did get chills after all the drinking but feeling better now. My second dose is at 3am. Colonoscopy at 8am. More to follow ....

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Oops, I misspelled Suprep I my previous post :)

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