Sumapen Safe To Take For More Than A Month (Top voted first)


Hi is it safe to take Sumapen 250mg 2x a day for 2 months.My doctor for cardio prescribed me this.I have frequesnt tonsilitis and they said I could have an ongoing infection as my ASO titer is like 400. is it safe to do that specially i have a fatty liver and is currently taking godex carnitine 2x a day for 2 months as well.

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Hi is it ok to take sumapen and a gracial oral contraciptive at the same time ?

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I went to my cardiologist to check if I dont have Rheumatic Heart Fever because I have recurrent tonsillitis. But after checking me and my heart using ECG, He said that everything is well. My ENT told me to undergo tonsillectomy but my decision was 50/50. And my Cardiologist said that I need to take Sumapen as maintenance for 5 years(2Capsules per day) to prevent the tonsillitis from coming back. It is true that Sumapen is for treating Rheumatic Heart Fever?

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