Sulfameth Trimethoprim And Sleeping Problems (Top voted first)
Updated6 Replies
I have been on this medication and ever since I have been on this drug I have had a lot of trouble sleeping and even when I do sleep I have really weird dreams. Has anyone else experienced this?
I am on Trimethoprim 300mg 1/d for UTI
I am having trouble sleeping & when I finally do sleep it's like I'm in a trance, almost delirious. I feel like I'm going crazy.
my daughter is supposed to get 7.5ml of this and I accidentally gave it to her twice within 2hours. Is this bad?
I've been on trimethoprim for about 4 days days and i've been having similar effects as Kathleen. every time i sleep (if i sleep) i'm having very odd dreams. i realised this morning it must be the drug affecting my dreams.
I have been on sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim now for almost three weeks. The first week was fine, but in the last two weeks I have slept no more than two hours a night. And it's not two hours of constant sleep, it's like a bunch of 10 minute naps. But if I do happen to fall asleep, the dreams that I have are the strangest and most realistic feeling dreams I've ever had. And the strange thing is, even though I haven't slept that much lately, I don't seem to be tired
what is sulfamethox/trimet tablets for?
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