Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800 160 Side Effects Tingling
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Started 1 tablet a day of Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800 160 about week ago. 4 days ago turned to 2 tablet a day. For the last couple of days I've got a severe tingling in my hips and abdomen, and also some muscle pain. Is it a typical side effect for this medication?
6 Replies
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Somewhat better-;let’s see when I awake in the morning.
Re: Marie (# 4)
I am 64; years old. But as a child would break out a rash from antibiotics..I am a very young 64,
I had surgery for basil joint in both hands but not together. The first hand surgery sent me home , gave me meds for the left hand. I was prescribed sulfamete/ Trimethoprin Ann’s it made me very aggravated & my whole personality changedtt. I fwas very mean to everyone. Now when I had the left hand done gave me the same antibiotics . I took the I am upset because I was basically hulusinating. Talking to people that were not there : just having a good time with my new friends, lol. But seriously will the medication do this? I Eben asked my husband as we got to bed & asked how was his day at the office. Please anyone who experienced this type of reaction please respond -the brain fog was terrible, just wondered around my house- thank you in advane to my problem.
TOM May I ask how old you are? Its not a typical reaction although it is seen in older patients. Sometimes they complain of being crazy in the head. It will go away when you finish the meds. If its to bad call your doc.
I was given the medicine for an abscess on my neck. I'm on day 34 pills a day I'm wondering is one of the side effects drowsiness and a feeling of just being loopy ?
It can be, but it may also be a sign that you are sensitive to this medication and continuing to take it could result in your experiencing more severe symptoms.
Learn more Bactrim details here.
When this happens, it's usually best to switch to a different antibiotic.
I ignored those initial symptoms and ended up developing a bad allergic reaction to it a few days later.
How are you doing now? Have there been any changes?
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