Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 (Page 11)
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I have an infected large bump on my calf. What is the extensive list of side effects for this medication?

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imon sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 tabs.anyway been on it for a week and a half.Iworked out in the yard all day yesterday,came in took ashower and I have all these haves and my eyes are swollen,I took 1/half Banadrl last night.It made some of the ish go down.What else can I do?

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Have been on for 2 days, tossed and turned feeling like my skin was sooo hot, barely got sleep. My skin just feels so hot and I am not putting another pill in my mouth. I don't have an appetite, but I don't mind that for a few days!

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Will taking this with birth control cause the birth control not to work???

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I am having some little sore throat, but I feel fine, no other side effect, last 4 days and i finish taking it. I called my dr. and he told me that I could be acidity that is causing this sore throat, should I be worried about?

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Karen - what you are experiencing sounds more like a bad allergic reaction to this drug than simply side effects. If there is any way you can get into an urgent care center that would be ideal, even if you have discontinued use. Or at the very least I'd call your doctor's office to report what you are experiencing. Once you tell them, they might advise you to do the same thing, or they might say that discontinuing use should result in your reaction subsiding within several days. It is also a possibility that they will want you to take Benadryl or something similar to help the reaction subside more quickly.

That's intense, and I'm sorry to hear that your body is reacting so strongly to this drug. Good luck and please reply and keep us all posted with what happens!

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I've been getting fevers & chills, sleeping tons of hours/tiredness, nausea, vomiting, dizzy, weakness, no appetite, red rash on my skin. This morning my upper eye lids look puffy. I'm going to discontinue use, but I'm out of town right now and won't be back to see the doc for 2 more days. Any idea when the side effects will abate? And how serious is my problem since I have so many of the side effects?

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Hi Erin - Vomiting is indeed a possible side effect of this medication. I would let your doctor know to see if you can be prescribed an alternative.

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I am on the second day of this medication for a UTI, last night I was super restless and got little sleep, I woke up with a serious headache and now I have vommited three times... How am I supposed to take this medication if I cant keep water down? And do you think this is happening because of the medication?? I also just switched birth control..

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Hi Megan, it sounds like you're experiencing one of the more common side effects. I would suggest letting the doctor know and perhaps there is an alternative medication they could prescribe you?

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i got this medication and now im scared to take it.. i took it one time & the next morning i woke up with a headache and i had it until i went to sleep that night !

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ive take one 800 pill of this silfameth trim..what ever and afer only a few hours, seriously, i feel like im high... not a good high either. my body went numb and im shaking, not alot, just my legs and hands. im also unuasualy hot. this med sucks!

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Brandi, I'd let your doctor know about the side effects which you are reporting. Difficulty breathing is listed as one of the less common and more serious side effects, and it sounds like you are experiencing this on a minor scale. Regardless, if the wet cough worsens and you still can't breathe out of your nose I don't think you'll be very happy. I hope this helps, and wish you the best !

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i have been perscribed sulfameth, for a UTI, since i have been taking this med. i have had a persistant wet cough, and a stuffy nose. is this normal?

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well I'm having loss of appetite ,dizziness muscle ache pains,nausea,and diarreah. I'm getting real hot for no reason at all .And I toss and turn through the night sweating almost every hour.

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uhh i'm pretty sure 2 twice a day with 800 mg is too much! on my bottle it says take one tablet twice daily for 10 days i'd advise you to do so or just check with your doctor.

i'm suffering from the worst headache and it kept me from sleeping all night, advil took the edge off but it's still lingering. i have no idea what it is, maybe this medicine but..not suuure..

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The Dr in ER prescribed Sulfameth/Trimethoprim 800mg and I just noticed that I am to take two tablets at a time, twice a day. Is this too much?

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Common Side Effects
Headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or loss of appetite. None of the above common side effects require immediate attention. If you experience them for a few days, talk to your physician about more advice. Do not try to treat them on your own.

Less Common Side Effects
Muscle aches/pains, difficulty breathing, unusual bleeding/bruising, bluish fingernails/lips, any blood disorders, joint aches/pains, pain or difficulty passing urine, skin rash, hives, itching, yellowing of the eyes/skin, lower back pain, allergic reactions, unusual weakness/tiredness, fever, chills, sore throat, increased sensitivity to the sun/ultraviolet light, any redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth. Contact your doctor right away if you've experienced any of these Less Common Side Effects.

Full Listing Available HERE

Thank You!

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