Sulfameth Trimeth-ds And Constipation (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking two pills of Sulfameth Trimeth DS per day for the last 30 days. Can it cause constipation?
4 Replies
Sulfameth/trimeth ds was prescribed to me for a staff infection in my right eye. I asked my doctor and pharmacist if it causes constipation. Their reply was no, but I am experiencing it. It makes my eyes sensitive to sunlight, and my left arm was twitching a little. I have head aches and I feel very fatigued. I just hope my bowels return to normal after this whole cycle is done with.
Well, if you are taking the medication for 30days or more, you should not let the constipation last that long, it can be dangerous.
You can try fiber tablets or stool softeners such as Dulcolax to get things moving again.
In most cases, your doctor and pharmacist would be correct, antiobiotics usually cause the opposite in most people who take them, but there are the rare few, such as yourself, who experience constipation from them.
As a last resort, if fiber or softeners do not work, you could try a mild laxative.
And yes, after you are done taking it, once your body finishes processing out the drugs, things will return to normal.
I was prescribbed that for MRSA staff infection. Was told to drink lost of fluid, can cause kidney stones if not. So I can image it causing constipation.
Reading the rest of your post, contact your doctor ASAP.. for the headaches. YOu do have sensitivy to light on this med, wear sunglass, and lost of sunscreen.
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