Suffering From Lyme Disease And Dr Cut My Meds In Half
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I've been on oxycodone 30's (120) and (240) methadone 10mg for 10 years, then out of nowhere they cut my meds in half. It was the worst time ever to punish me for not going in for an MRI on my back. They have other MRIs from me but I was passing a kidney stone at the time and had Lyme disease messing with every part of my body and brain... Eyes & muscles twitching along with 24/7 joint pain. It was so extreme to mess my body and mind up with awful withdrawals. I wasn't diagnosed with Lyme disease till a year later. Half my vision's gone and I can barely walk in a mall for no more than 10-15 minutes. I find it hard standing to cook or do dishes, as my back goes totally berserk. It's more painful to lie down on my new bed than to sit up and roll my back in downward motions.
12 Replies
I feel your pain. The meds are going to get harder and harder to get with the crack down on opioids. The abusers are ruining it for those who legitimately need and live with them. Are you in a state that has legalized Marijuana? I am just wondering if this more natural medication might be easier to get and be less dangerous to use.
Due to absolutely no fault of your own, you have now become a drug seeker. The system was designed to turn everyone into a label that can now conveniently be dismissed. I feel terribly for you and the countless 1,000's or 100,000's of thousands of actual CPP now thrown away like yesterdays trash.
My next PCP appointment is coming up and she has run out of options. Using the insurance company to lessen my medication didn't work. Using a pain management Physician didn't work. Using a sleep study, to see if I stopped breathing during sleep, I don't, didn't work. I have been on a months long waiting list to see the clinic's pain management 'specialist', who does NOT have a degree and is not a doctor, but haven't gotten in yet.
When reviewing the recommendation from the PM Physician that said to keep my medications just as they are my PCP said "This doesn't help ME at all."
During my appointment for my health and well-being, who is it exactly that is supposed to be being helped?
Amen to that! Obama has been OK considering other presidents except for the fact that he is a globalist (which is really horrible) but I had no idea he had this Vendetta against people with pain! Something's got to change & this War on Drugs has got to end. We are adults and I personally think that we should be able to take whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want it because we're adults and we are supposed to be free. Do you feel free? I can't get out of bed ever unless I have the proper amount of medication which has been a very long time ago. Others have to slave away 60 hour weeks working for the 1%. We can drink ourselves to death and take a handful of ibuprofen which can kill us quicker than anything for a handful of Tylenol. They don't care if that kills us! Another thing is every time a celebrity dies of a drug overdose, a reported drug overdose I'm not saying that that's how they really die because who knows. Anna Nicole Smith I do believe was a drug overdose. Even when she died back then they started changing laws on us. They shouldn't punish people who take their medication responsibly and compare us to people who can get whatever they want whenever they want to and then die from it. It's completely unfair and it's wrong. They pretend to care about killing people but this is going to cause so many suicides. Somebody needs to turn this thing around. I'm a pain patient who has degenerative disc disease in the back and neck with 3 bulging discs in my neck and cracks and I also have fibromyalgia. At the moment I am also sporting a broken ankle. Even with a broken ankle they don't want to give me s***. If it weren't for my husband I would be leaving this country because it's not the America I grew up in. Even when Nancy Reagan was saying just say no we at least had a choice! Much more of one! Uuuugh! I get too mad thinking about this stuff.
Methadone takes a few days to build up in your system and is a good choice as it will not creep up on you in need. If you use prednisone or drugs similar to it plan on gaining 30 pounds plus immediately. I am also 70 as is my wife. Age causes these drugs to work much harder on your organs and body. Your prescriber appears to be on top of it.
Hi I'm a 70 year old female with herniated discs lower back. Its only been less than 2 years that pain started and has become increasingly worse. I live in Fl and have been in pain mgmt. I must be a person who has a high tolerance to pain. Nothing so far has worked. Tried so many opoids which scared the hell out of me to try but Oxycodone/acetaminophen morphine etc no help. A fee days ago dr prescribed 10mg methadone and said I could cut in half. The second morning I took the 10mg and was super dizzy all day. I haven't had any pain relief but maybe takes time. Today if I take a dose I will only take 5mg. Has anyone had good results from methadone low dose? My dr said the next med if this doesn't work is prednazone. Pharmacist says this med has nasty side effects. I continue yoga for beginners because I also have sciatic pain. What a pain all this is!!!
I too have been a cpp since 1987 and my doctor of many years has had his license to practice medicine in NJ and NY taken away for failure to comply with the cdc and the DEA as he refused to treat his patients like animals simply because Obama's affordable care act was designed for him to do so. I have been struggling with finding a new doctor to help me although I have never once failed a drug panel or failed to comply with any order he's ever given me and it's bull***t! I hope that Trump fires every one of these socialist and communist bastards and prosecutes each and every one, including the doctors that have neglected the oath that they took to help people, especially Hillary Clinton! The Surgeon General also needs to be replaced along with the restructuring of the f***in DEA! Good luck everyone and good riddance to Obama and his f****d up affordable care act that ruined the lives of countless Americans!
Jack is right, in that we should all do our best to stick together during these trying times. Being a light to someone else in your community or here on MedsChat sure goes a long way as countless people come across these message boards and the goodness from each individual is continuously reciprocated to the next person and the next...
I'd also like to add to TommyC's feedback on time, exercise and nutrition being excellent healers. I also believe that our bodies can adapt overtime to our positive (or negative) habits in the long term. The sayin' "an object in motion stays in motion" holds a lot of weight in anything we intently pursue -including the path towards becoming healthy and well again. Big Pharma doesn't have all the answers and we might not either, but one thing we could focus on is taking a moment and finding that peace of mind deep within ourselves each and everyday. This can help us make more rational decisions with our behavior, attitude and on an intuitive level may affect how we treat these things we call bodies and what substances we put in them for optimal performance if you will.
I applaud the courage it takes to apply a variety of lifestyle changes (both conventional and unconventional) as a means of taking matters into your own hands when the medical system falls short; be it via Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cannabis, Kratom, Turmeric, Kava, Fasting, A combination of things, Etc, Etc... Many of us are finally waking up to the fact that our mainstream health care industry is inherently flawed due to the enormous greed and I get the sense that a large number of Americans are going to continuously pour into the realm of natural alternatives in just a matter of time, looking at the bigger picture.
The sore back and malaise you are suffering is common for many people who have greatly reduced their intake of opiates or have stopped altogether. Some opioids and opiates are worse than others for lingering pain during and after the taper and withdrawal process. I have been dealing with pretty much the same issues after five years of OxyContin followed by five years of Suboxone. I have not had an opiate in 20 months and still suffer from theses two issues as well as others as a result of the opiates. Time, Exercise, and nutrition are the best healers.
Thank you. We all need to stick together during these trying times. It is not a mandate, but a strong recommendation from the CDC, and being backed by the dea, so docs going outside those guidelines are the ones they would take a closer look into their prescribing practices.
Forwarning, this is a rant.
The FEAR within the medical community, namely PC Physicians and even the so called Pain Management Physicians, that has trickled down from the CDC Report is phenomenal. It has caused physicians everywhere to commit collective malpractice - to cause undue and deliberate physical harm and suffering to countless patients who suffer greatly with debilitating pain. Some of which have succumbed to suicide. But no worries, they will ease their consciences by denying those patients their humanity by simply labeling them as drug seekers/abusers/addicts.
The term 'chronic pain patient' is now synonymous with the dehumanizing term drug seeker/abuser/addict. People who have been on record for years as suffering with documented, constant debilitating pain but have not been given a medical diagnosis of a 'death sentence', are categorically and systematically having their 'care' dropped, causing great harm and suffering, by those who took an oath to first do no harm.
It is undeniably medical malpractice on a nationwide scale. Physicians are using insurance companies to do their dirty work for them. And if a patient gets through to their insurance carrier with their documentation then the physician scrambles to find another way to cut off CPP’s from their needed medications. People who suffer with debilitating pain who are having their pain medications cut in half or completely taken away is no different than taking away a diabetics medications. It is more than malpractice because these physicians are doing this for their own self interests. They all belong to one of the largest and most powerful lobbyist groups in America, the AMA. Which, if they were to actually stand up for the foundational principal of relieving suffering they could easily dismantle the CDC and its report and restore humane treatment back into their profession.
We live in a time where the values of accountability, responsibility and basic human decency from doctor toward patient is no longer required in the social contract of America. All that is required is the unquestioning, lock-step compliance with the state. An intended and easily foreseen outcome of 0bama's Affordable Care Act. Socialized anything, and especially socialized medicine always devolves into atrocious abuses against humanity. Chronic pain patients are simply the canaries in the coal mine. It is only going to get worse unless the new administration makes it a priority to repeal the ACA.
The CDC is on record for using beyond questionable data. Data that was recorded without regard to distinction and compiled irresponsibly and unscientifically. The CDC, an institution whose business is to alleviate suffering, has the same moral equivalency as any other governmental agency like, the IRS, DHS, TSA and all the others. This is the direct result of the nation being run for the last 8 years by 0bama’s socialistic policies. Socialism always attracts people who are narcissistic and love to wield power.
That fabric that America was founded and built upon, the Constitution, that nourished and fed the social contract with which we all function within in our daily lives, which fostered goodwill and basic common decency between people, which allowed us to be able to trust people who held positions of authority, like physicians, has been systematically shredded by 0bama and his administration. Remember he said that the Constitution was an imperfect document.
So in the end, power only flows one way and that is from the top down. And since people who suffer with debilitating pain have been labeled and stigmatized for years and have been deliberately and officially, statistically lumped in together with the category of drug seekers/abusers/addicts, they as a group have less than no power, they have negative power.
Very well stated. In my area pcp's are referring all patients requiring the use of any scheduled opiate to pain management. I've heard from numerous patients (one with renal calculus) being prescribed torodal since according to these prescribers the use of opiates in the general everyday course of medicine is now strictly prohibited. This is in boroughs of Brooklyn and queens in New York. They claim it's part of a new requirement and edict provided to them since the 3rd of January 2017. Do you know this to be true? Just curious?? Thanks...
Hi Peg,
So sorry this has happened. Trust me, it is no fault of your own. Same thing happened to me only my doc said that the new opioid guidelines are being adopted everywhere, which required him to cut all his cp patients dosage in half. You may not have been told this but that is what's going on.
Even though I've been a cp patient for 20 years, I had to go back to a pain management specialist, who has more discretion in working with opioids. I would suggest doing the same, as you have extensive documentation, there should be no problem getting your dosage increased.
Best wishes.
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