Suddenly My Meds Making Me Very Tired!!!!
UpdatedI have been taking oxycodone 30mg and hydrocodone 10/325 for a little over 7 years now because of a back injury. Everything has been Ok until I got my script this month, taking the 2 meds above have always worked ok on my pain and made it able to be awake and stay alert when I get to spend time with my little grandbabies even though we don't get to play that much because of my stupid back at least we get to spend time together!!!!! This last script though when I take my meds I'm wanting to pass out sleepy, no different company or pills. Why the change where I'm awake and can motivate and now want to pass out?
1 Reply
Drowsiness can be a normal side effect of these medications, according to the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. They also carry the risk of being habit forming.
Are you on any other medications? Has anything else changed in your routine?
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